The History of Illustration

The term "illustration" refers to a visual interpretation of text created specifically for inclusion into published media. The two most notable illustrators in American history are Howard Pyle and Frank Vincent DuMond. The two were similar yet different career masters (Mott, Frank).

The Society of Illustrators in America

Future painters and illustrators thank Frank Vincent DuMond and Howard Pyle for providing a solid foundation for their craft. Frank DuMond and Howard Pyle helped in founding the society of illustrators in America which was founded on February 1st in 1901(Duke, Sara, Michael).

DuMond and Pyle's Education

Howard Pyle produced three thousand five hundred publications, and about half of the paintings and images were published in journals and magazines while Frank DuMond produced nearly the same number but most of his illustrations were used in museums to show historical events (Mott, Frank).
DuMond and Pyle were both interested in art and illustration from childhood. They both had perfected in the art illustration. They both attended Art Students League of New York (Moore, Sarah, John). DuMond attended as a full-time student whereas Pyle attended private schools apart from the few lessons he attended in the Art Students League of New York. Apart from being illustrators, both DuMond and Pyle were teachers. Pyle began teaching illustration at the Drexel Institute of Art Science and Industry in 1894 and later founded his school of art and illustration (Best, James). DuMond also worked as a teacher at Art Students League of New York, the same institution which he studied Art (Duke, Sara, Michael).

Illustration Careers

Having been distinguished artists and illustrators of their times, both Pyle and DuMond worked for printing press and publication firms. DuMond worked with Horace Bradley on magazines and book illustrations. Pyle worked for New York Daily Graphics (Moore, Sarah, John). He also illustrated historical and adventure periodicals such as The Harper’s Weekly Magazine and the St Nicholas Magazine (Duke, Sara, Michael). In 1906 Pyle became unsatisfied with illustration assignments, and from then, he opted for mural paintings. Howard Pyle being older than Frank Vincent DuMond, he taught DuMond the art of illustration, and since then they worked together and became America's greatest illustrators (Best, James).

Contrasting Works and Styles

Although DuMond and Pyle were both great artist and illustrators, they contrasted in areas of their interest and their illustrations (Moore, Sarah, John). Pyle illustrated historical books, periodical publications, fairy tales and fictional work for children. Among his notable works are The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, Men of Iron and the Otto of the Silver Hand (Moore, Sarah, John). Pyle was also fond of the middle ages and therefore illustrated The Story of King Arthur (1903) and The Story of the Champions (1905). DuMond, on the other hand, was a painter of portraits and landscapes. His work was majorly non-fiction. DuMond's artwork was majorly meant for museums and large institutions (Mott, Frank).DuMond and Pyle also used different styles in their work. DuMond was a great impressionist, most of his work came from real objects like buildings, humans, or even landscape. Pyle, on the other hand, used imagination to create his works (Mott, Frank). This is because he illustrated historical books and fictional stories. He used imagery and filled the blanks with vibrant imagination to create images that reflected the stories that he illustrated in his paintings. Pyle is known as the father of American illustrators and helped produce some of the greatest painters and illustrators in the twentieth century (Mott, Frank).

Additional Roles and Achievements

Apart from being an illustrator, Pyle was a renowned writer. He wrote and illustrated numerous books. He wrote many legends and ballads of Robin Hood. He also wrote children stories, fairy tales and adventure. DuMond, on the other hand, worked as a director of fine arts at the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition (Best, James). He was also a great exhibitor since most of his works were paintings that were meant for displays in the museums. He exhibited at the Colombian world exposition among other institutions museums in America and Europe (Best, James).

Legacy and Recognition

Most of Pyle's work depicted the past. This is because he illustrated the legends, ballads and history. All of these are from the past (Best, James). This is seen in his works such as the Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. DuMond painted from the present. He, for instance, painted a portrait of himself and other people. He also painted a landscape using his American impressionism style which is characterized by loose brushwork and vivid colours. The depicted landscapes were mixed with scenes of upper-class domestic life. Frank Vincent DuMond's paintings of the 1890s reflect both academic training and his growing awareness of modern French (Mott, Frank).Despite the similarities and differences depicted by these two illustrators, they are not remembered as teachers either as a writer (for Pyle) nor as an exhibitor (for Frank DuMond). They are primarily remembered as illustrators as they go down the history books. They are listed among America's greatest illustrators (Duke, Sara, Michael).

Works Cited

Best, James J. American Popular Illustration: A Reference Guide. Westport, Conn. u.a: Greenwood Pr, 1984. Print.

Duke, Sara W, and Michael Rhode. Biographical Sketches of Cartoonists & Illustrators in the Swann Collection of the Library of Congress. , 2012. Print.

Moore, Sarah J, and John W. Alexander. John White Alexander and the Construction of National Identity: Cosmopolitan American Art, 1880-1915. Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press, 2003. Print

Mott, Frank L. A History of American Magazines: 1. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard Univ. Press, 1930. Print.

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