Essays on Effective Communication

About self-disclosure

Self-disclosure is one of the schemes people use to interact with others about their growth, success, loss, like, or hate. I still remember the self-disclosure of one of my schoolmates and a classmate sharing his story of how he and his family went to Disneyland over the summer holidays, which...

Words: 282

Pages: 2

In communication, there exist many types of listening most of which depend on the recall and retention aspects

In conversation, there are several ways of listening, most of which rely, as a matter of fact, on the memory and retention aspects; the paper would seek to include an overview of four types of listening: empathetic, critical, informative and discriminatory. Informational listening can be described as the method of listening...

Words: 673

Pages: 3

Whitewashing in media

Media's Role in Communication Media plays a crucial role in communication because it is one of the networking mechanisms because the signals conveyed by the media have a very important impact on people. Whitewashing has been noticeable in many Hollywood movies and movies that include a white male or female actress...

Words: 771

Pages: 3


According to Hybels (2014) Communication is characterized as a mechanism through which knowledge is shared between individuals via a common set of signals, signs or behavior (63). In other words, it is the art of conveying signals from one object, person or location to another by verbal or non-verbal cues, whether...

Words: 630

Pages: 3

Value addition and marketing in an errand business

The ErrandRunner is a service provider that helps people in order to run transactions. However, the company restricts itself to morosity law due to the legality and specialization of the industry The following activities: snow plowing, House sweeping, Dog Walking, Dumping of garbage, House moving, car washing, Pick-up of dry...

Words: 887

Pages: 4

persuasive communication is effective when its content is learned and retained by the audience

Introduction It is believed that a convincing message is successful because the listener learns and remembers its content (Greenwald). Metcalfe's presentation will thus be measured on the same basis. The host, on the other hand, is controversial in the way he suggests the premise that printing money may be a solution...

Words: 826

Pages: 4

The relationship of Transformational Leadership

A relationship is said to be transformational when it consists of leaders and followers who are committed to each other. Organizations place premium emphasis on the trainings they give managers with the goal of promoting transformational relationship. This is to say that transformational relationship happens when leaders of teams can find...

Words: 414

Pages: 2

The formation of word

Complex Language and Word Formation in English Introduction It's a complex language, English. When the environment changes in all ways, so does the linguistic means of communication. For example, developments in the fashion industry result in new vocabulary. Four of the key factors that contribute to word-formation include a shift of context...

Words: 932

Pages: 4

Television and Interpersonal Conflict

According to (In Bhatnagar & In Bhatnagar, 2011) Contact in its simplest sense is a means of communication with and between persons in a given location or environment. Effective communication greatly contributes to working relationships marked by engagement, comprehension, accurate interpretation of the intended message or messages, and obtaining the desired...

Words: 697

Pages: 3

importance of communication and team management

Team Management and Collaboration Team management relies on collaboration to organize and coordinate events that take place within a corporate organization. It involves, for example, maintaining efficient coordination in order to accomplish operational objectives (Ellis, 2012; Fransen, Kirschner Happel, Papenfu s efforts. Through team management, employees can...

Words: 592

Pages: 3

Communication in Nursing Practice

In a nursing environment, contact is no doubt necessary. In order to ensure good results, effective contact between patients and nurses plays an essential role. This can, however, be done only if, by demonstrated compassion, honesty, and courtesy, the nurses recognize and assist their patients. In all facets of nursing and...

Words: 403

Pages: 2

A proposal draft

My scholarly innovative idea My scholarly innovative idea is to investigate how interaction design can enhance communication processes for people who use them. How is contact influenced by a bad or a positive design? The players in the study controversy are app owners, device engineers and organizations (Zaphiris, 2009). The core theoretical...

Words: 394

Pages: 2

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