According to George Orwell, political vocabulary is riddled with euphemism and ambiguity. Proponents of the political vocabulary see the battle against the subject as archaic with certain question-begging qualities. The approach to political language stems from people's convictions that English, like any organism, should evolve to serve a range of...
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A situation of military struggle between two factions within a country or between two countries is referred to as war. For the last century, the planet has seen some of the most devastating conflicts in history, including World War I, World War II, and the American wars in Afghanistan, Iraq,...
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Consider how the concept of history and true historical narrative is treated in the texts you've read. What is one's perspective on history? Is it regarded as a strong and subversive force, or as mere insignificance? What is its purpose, and what are people hoping to do when they use...
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Dreams and Their NatureDreams are abstract representations of our emotions and subconscious that appear as a series of ideas while we sleep. They are a puzzle because some people recall their dreams clearly and some have a blurred memory. Dreams are caused by sudden eye movement (REM), which happens when...
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The text “When Life Imitates Film” by John Leo discusses the emerging challenge of video games causing their victims to become aggressive as a result of exposure to shooting scenes. It also draws attention to the fact that video games often produce forums on which the innocent are equally slaughtered,...
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Change and the Transformation of CivilizationsChange is an unavoidable aspect of civilization that transforms individuals, cultures, behavior, and traditions into more appropriate and inclusive states in response to the demands of the moment. As a consequence, civilization may have distinguishing times while various activities take place. Generations, traditions, standards, and...
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Because of the controversy surrounding providing assistance to a patient in ending their life as a result of their traumatic experiences with a terminal illness, physician assisted suicide (PAS) or physician assisted death (PAD) is one of the key ethical concerns in the modern clinical world. One ideal instance of...
Words: 1982
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The ratio of people living in cities and rural areas has fluctuated significantly during the past century across the industrialized world. People began aggressively moving to cities in the first half of the century. Living outside of cities became fashionable in the second half, but individuals continued to lead lives...
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Alcoholism is a chronic medical condition. It is characterized by unchecked alcohol consumption that has an impact on the user's family, work obligations, and mental or physical health. Many people in the culture have either died from it or have been severely affected by it. More teens and adults than...
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The Guerrilla Girls: Exposing Prejudice and Corruption The Guerrilla Girls are a group of feminist activists and dissident artists who dress as gorillas in public and use humor, information, and stunning graphics to expose sexual orientation, ethnic preference, and debasing behavior in media, politics, and the arts. They addressed concerns of...
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The article “Does the legalization of Marijuana Increase the Smoking Rate Among Teens? I chose the subject because I have observed many people, especially my friends, engage in the habit of smoking marijuana, and I hope that this essay would inform me in some way. The opening is good and sets...
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Research indicates an upsurge in child abuse instances that were reported and recorded over the last few years. Sexual, psychological, and physical maltreatment of children is referred to as child abuse. This category also includes parental or caregiver neglect of the child (Ban and Oh 35). Neglect is when parents...
Words: 2889
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