The Guerrilla Girls: Exposing Prejudice and Corruption The Guerrilla Girls are a group of feminist activists and dissident artists who dress as gorillas in public and use humor, information, and stunning graphics to expose sexual orientation, ethnic preference, and debasing behavior in media, politics, and the arts. They addressed concerns of...
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The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) are the strongest and oldest faction of Colombian rebels. It has been dubbed the world's richest guerilla army. In 1964, Jacob Arenas and Manuel Marulanda, both members of Colombia's communist party, formed the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. This was in the aftermath...
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Cross burning was a Scottish practice that was first embraced by guerrilla groups like Ku Klux Khan. It was supposed to frighten or intimidate the new freed slaves. This was also a way to assert the group's dominance. The tradition was commended in a 1915 film about the birth of...
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