Trifles: Women’s Revolt against a Patriarchal Society.

Susan Glaspell s play Trifles focuses on the plight of women in society during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Women were seen as housekeepers and not as significant as men in society at the time. In this way, they were helpless within a patriarchal system, making them vulnerable...

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Pages: 5

Perceval, the Story of the Grail is an unfinished romance story

Perceval, the Tale of the Grail Perceval, the Tale of the Grail is an unfinished romance story written by Chrétien de Troyes, most likely in the 12th century, though the precise year is unknown. The novel, like other literary works published at the time, contains various incidents of superstition mixed with...

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Amelia Earhart - The First Woman to Fly Solo Across the Atlantic

Amelia Earhart's Flight Across the Atlantic When she took off to fly solo across the Atlantic in 1927, Amelia Earhart was a social worker living in Boston. A transatlantic flight was sponsored by the publishing firm G. P. Putnam and Sons, and Amelia was the first woman to do so. The...

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Role of Women in Great Expectations

Women's positions in society are evolving on a daily basis. From conventional positions to new roles that straddle the line between male and women's equality. Women have risen to prominence by their mobilizing groups and sought a change in their communities' roles. They are tired of being referred to as...

Words: 2450

Pages: 9

Helen Keller Feminism and Socialism

Did you know that Helen Keller was a socialist? Did you know that She advocated for birth control and workers' rights? And did you know that she also opposed World War I? Read on to find out more about this feminist legend. If you're interested in learning more about Helen...

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Pages: 6

Han Kang tells the story of Yeong-hye

Historically, culture has set expectations that are misogynistic toward women. Han Kang recounts Yeong-tale hye s as told by her husband, sister, and brother-in-law. She became a vegetarian after having a fantasy, which enrages her husband and provokes abuse from her father, who pressures her to eat meat...

Words: 660

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Human Trafficking

Sex trafficking in men, women, and children has resulted in the development of policies and prevention programs in order to reduce the alarming rates of human trafficking in America. The global problem of sex trafficking has received increased attention in recent years. Human trafficking is the most lucrative sex industry...

Words: 3028

Pages: 12


Fashion is a modern thing meaning it comes and goes. For a lengthy period of time, fashion has been labeled such that there is the fashion for men and for women. However, as time moves, and we get into the twenty first century, the conspicuous difference which existed between the...

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Pages: 8


Gaming and the Role of Women Gaming has been synonymous with male-dominated behavior in recent years (Dickey, 2017). However, this appeared to undermine the role of women in gaming. The role of women in gaming can be traced to many forms of study carried out by individual authors. The researchers have...

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Pages: 4

Jill Lepore's “The Secret History of Wonder Woman”

Jill Lepore's Secret History of Wonder Woman Jill Lepore's Secret History of Wonder Woman is a lengthy but catching tale that any reader would like to capture. Wonder Woman's Advocacy for Women's Rights Wonder Woman is an Amazonian superhero who advocates for women's rights, with a secret agenda of gaining access to free...

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Pages: 3

Aspects of Women Reproductive Rights Vision by a Feminist

In particular since the eighteenth century The problems of the population have led to much discussion about how to achieve fair and sustainable social change. Malthus disagreed with other scholars about the relation between population growth and agricultural production and thus contributed to ongoing political economic discussions (Jackson and Pearson, 238). After...

Words: 1605

Pages: 6

Evolution of Women Undergarments

Since the 14th century, underwear has been an essential piece of clothing for women. For both their upper and lower inner garments, women use various kinds of dressing. As fashion evolves through the years, the garments are crafted for various purposes. Some of the reasons why women use undergarments Particularly those from colder...

Words: 1748

Pages: 7

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