Essays on Social Issues

Social issues essay defines the subject as problems and situations that directly or indirectly affect a person and society as a whole and require collective efforts to manage or overcome them. The term “social issue”, which appeared in Western European thought in the early 19th century. As a subject of theoretical study, social problems first began to be considered in the United States when the American Social Science Association was formed in 1865, and many social issues essays elaborate on that. According to essays on social issues, some of the direst social problems of the modern world are obesity, smoking, inequality, loneliness (along with depression and suicide), crime, alcoholism, poverty, homelessness, violence, and abuse. Our social issues essay samples will let you cut back research time – just view essay samples below for extra information.

theology and religion

Martin Luther: The German Protestant (1483-1543)Martin Luther, a Christian monk, was the main character of the German protest (1483-1543). Luther criticized the church's practices of selling "indulgences" in 95 theses he penned in 1517, among other corruptions. Self-gratification was originally a gift given to the church by sinners who had...

Words: 1415

Pages: 6

Effect of urbanization and religion on the happiness

The ratio of people living in cities and rural areas has fluctuated significantly during the past century across the industrialized world. People began aggressively moving to cities in the first half of the century. Living outside of cities became fashionable in the second half, but individuals continued to lead lives...

Words: 1188

Pages: 5


Because of its abundant natural riches and welcoming population, Malawi is a desirable African nation. Despite its diversity of ethnic groups, the nation maintains a stable political system that supports multiparty democracy. Due to the lack of significant industrial, processing, or manufacturing operations, the majority of people reside in rural...

Words: 981

Pages: 4

The Diffusion of Sports to British Colonies

Introduction Most academics and researchers have concentrated on the detrimental repercussions of colonialism, such as deforestation and the deterioration of indigenous culture. The extension of British civilization, however, to other regions of the world helped the colonies' colonial development. This study makes the claim that colonization caused the spread of modern...

Words: 993

Pages: 4

food additives - SULPHITES

Food additives are substances that are added to food during preparation in order to achieve a specific result. This effect can be on the food's flavor, the addition of color, or the lengthened usefulness of the meal in the case of additives. Preservatives can typically be divided into two categories:...

Words: 2096

Pages: 8

Strategic management of ethical issues

The success of Persimmon PLC in the future depends critically on its strategic management of ethical concerns. If these problems are ignored, the company's current and future operations will be impacted and its current and future image will be distorted. Gender equality and gender diversity are two of the company's...

Words: 3644

Pages: 14


The Impacts of Globalization and Technological Advancement The incomes and general well-being of people around the world have improved as a result of globalization and technological advancement. Although it has gained increasing attention in the recent three years, globalization has roots in the nineteenth century, during the time of Karl Marx...

Words: 1449

Pages: 6

International Human Resource

Globalization and its Challenges Globalization has become a normal part of contemporary society for many multinational organizations. Efficiency in information transmission is one of the key factors driving globalization, which attracts numerous organizations. Similar to this, businesses often take advantage of business prospects in emerging areas thanks to better management and...

Words: 2323

Pages: 9

Penn State Scandal of 2012

One of Pennsylvania's most prestigious football teams The Nittany Lions, play their home games at Penn State. When it was discovered that Jerry Sandusky, a former coach, had sexually assaulted young boys starting in 1998, the institution made headlines in 2011 for all the wrong reasons.Several children reported being sexually assaulted...

Words: 1397

Pages: 6

Australian Immigration

Over 70% of Australia's population has increased, and immigration is entirely to blame. According to estimates, more than 28% of Australian citizens were born abroad before relocating to the country. This number is high when compared to other nations like Britain, the United States, or America. For instance, Australia's net...

Words: 304

Pages: 2


Bullying Occurs at Many Stages of Life Bullying occurs at many stages of life, including while a person is at work, at home, and elsewhere. Additionally, it might be obvious to everyone or it might be happening covertly (Wiedmer, 2010). It s crucial to remember that bullying can have a beneficial...

Words: 872

Pages: 4

Gender inequality in a construction industry

There is ample evidence that men predominate among construction employees. This is the ideal time to introduce change in the workforce with the purpose of resolving the gender imbalance in a labor-intensive industry that has been suffering from a severe labor shortage. Women made up 2.9% of the extraction and...

Words: 3502

Pages: 13

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