Essays on Social Issues

Social issues essay defines the subject as problems and situations that directly or indirectly affect a person and society as a whole and require collective efforts to manage or overcome them. The term “social issue”, which appeared in Western European thought in the early 19th century. As a subject of theoretical study, social problems first began to be considered in the United States when the American Social Science Association was formed in 1865, and many social issues essays elaborate on that. According to essays on social issues, some of the direst social problems of the modern world are obesity, smoking, inequality, loneliness (along with depression and suicide), crime, alcoholism, poverty, homelessness, violence, and abuse. Our social issues essay samples will let you cut back research time – just view essay samples below for extra information.

Huntington Beach: Social Characteristics

Huntington Beach is a city in Southern California on the coast. The city has an estimated population of 189,992 inhabitants, according to the 2010 US national census. The population is made up of people from many categories, which are summarized below; according to the data published on the fact seeker...

Words: 643

Pages: 3

Critical analysis on "Commanding Heights" by Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw

Commanding Heights: A War of Economic Concepts Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw's Commanding Heights is largely a war of economic concepts. In the globalization era, this struggle of ideas was between the free market and various government controls. The process of shifting from one ideology to the next was fraught with...

Words: 1318

Pages: 5

Cultural safety

Cultural safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples requires addressing power imbalances in places and people in order to improve health outcomes and support the Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal medical staff. Not only is the process dynamic, but it is also multidimensional. Ideally, there is a continuum of...

Words: 1363

Pages: 5

Cause and Effect Essay

In his paper titled 'Black Males in Public Places,' Brent Staples highlighted the impacts of society on a person's appearance and actions. Black American kids are stereotyped based on the acts of a few misguided individuals, which leads to bigotry towards the entire population. Furthermore, such racism motivates certain African...

Words: 1002

Pages: 4


In these hard times, the globe is slipping into a considerably worse scenario on a daily basis due to inaction. The aforementioned neglect is visible in the most, if not all, countries around the world. The key differentiating element is male preference for the female population, which leaves our women...

Words: 1483

Pages: 6

Copyright laws, RO and RW Cultures

According to Lawrence Lessig, copyrights benefit artists by protecting them. The author of Remix: Helping Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy argues that, rather than allowing artists to build on past works, the war on piracy and copyright restrictions have made it impossible for artists to perform their...

Words: 297

Pages: 2

The Humanities & Its Relevance to Our Lives, a Biological Criticism of Sappho’s Hymn to Aphrodite

I regard Sappho's Hymn to Aphrodite as a poem that contains emotions of loneliness, love, and hope when Sappho begged Aphrodite to return and relieve her suffering, as, contrary to certain interpretations of feminism and lesbianism, even to the point of Pope Gregory VII ordering her works to be burned...

Words: 1495

Pages: 6


According to Aristotle, a speaker's capacity to persuade the audience is measured by how successfully they persuade them and how well they appeal to the audience. He went on to investigate three mechanisms that are ubiquitous in the process of presenting an argument, which he characterized as the rhetorical triangle,...

Words: 1209

Pages: 5

Defining diversity

Diversity is defined as the gathering of people from varied backgrounds, including nationality, race, gender, and religion. With globalization, various parts of life, including school, entail various ties. "The human heart reminds us that we are more alike than we are unlike," Maya Angelou (2009) says. This paper, guided by this...

Words: 330

Pages: 2

Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Select Odes

Isolation is the state of being alone for an extended period of time, which has an impact on your mental and spiritual skills. Extended durations of isolation have been shown to alter people's sanity, and the more a person stays alone, the more their sanity suffers. The concept of isolation...

Words: 2597

Pages: 10

New Zealand and Diversity of the Labor Market

In contrast to their male counterparts, women have historically undergone more significant changes in the labor market, particularly in terms of pay, according to Dixon (2000, p. 127). According to the author, differences in gender inequalities are caused by both the types and distribution of jobs as well as skill...

Words: 1650

Pages: 6

Reasons for legitimizing Civil Disobedience

Both Henry Thoreau and Martin Luther King held opposing views on respecting unjust laws, leaders, and institutions. Henry emphasized that the rules are intended to safeguard society from any sort of human injustice, such as slavery. He went on to explain that if the government, which is tasked with protecting...

Words: 2853

Pages: 11

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