Essays on Business Law

Liquidation Insolvent Trading and Insolvency Restructuring

Organizations are set up to restrict and separate the personal liability of the company executives. According to an article published in the Australian Financial Review on August 27, 2017 and titled "Insolvency reform: How liquidator Stuart Ariff put the focus on creditors' rights" (, a liquidator has the ability to...

Words: 1042

Pages: 4

Laws of production in the US

For failing to adequately oversee the quality of the raw materials they employ to produce finished goods, U.S. businesses are accountable. Businesses in the United States of America leave themselves open to civil lawsuits brought in response to mishaps connected to the usage of their products, however this varies from...

Words: 329

Pages: 2

Minority vs. Majority Shareholders

Shareholders and their Rights Shareholders are the different investors who contribute to a corporate entity in order to advance it and reap the benefits of its operations. Despite having the right and opportunity to be involved in overseeing management activities, the board of directors is responsible for protecting the interests of...

Words: 1133

Pages: 5

Business Ethics: From the 21st Century Perspective

Business Ethics: A 21st Century Perspective In the movie of ‘Business problems/ethics’, it is uncovered that globalization has led into a controversy between ethics and business choice. In most cases, the final choices that businesses make do not look into codes of conduct. An instance stipulated is the entertainment industries who...

Words: 559

Pages: 3

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