Personal Narrative Essays

Firstly, we must remind you that a personal narrative is not an autobiography or a resume that you must write. When writing your narrative task, the topics that can be chosen vary from the reasons behind your academic choice and your role model to breaking up with your best friend and sharing your thoughts on social justice. Our essay examples provide a plethora of various ideas that you can use as drafts. Remember to start with a great hook to inspire your readers and shape your thoughts logically. Notice how each paper sample uses connective words between the paragraphs to keep narration clear. In most cases, you can tell about a single day or an experience that you have witnessed. Such writing is usually done in the first person.

Compare and Contrast Shopping Online with Traditional Shopping

Technological Innovation and the Rise of Online Shopping Technological innovation has changed the way many businesses market their products, as well as the way consumers access these items. Though machinery assists companies in increasing their productivity and meeting high demands, the Internet allows consumers to easily access goods on the market....

Words: 717

Pages: 3

Mosaic Covenant

The covenant between God and the Israelites as stated in the Hebrew Bible is referred to as the Mosaic covenant. The mosaic covenant's events were recorded in the first five books of the Bible. After delivering the Israelites from Egypt, God made a deal or a pact with them. The...

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Trifles: Women’s Revolt against a Patriarchal Society.

Susan Glaspell s play Trifles focuses on the plight of women in society during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Women were seen as housekeepers and not as significant as men in society at the time. In this way, they were helpless within a patriarchal system, making them vulnerable...

Words: 1362

Pages: 5

Theories of Success

Theories of Success Theories that outline success are beliefs used by members of society to explain the meaning of success. These approaches give a fair opinion on what could be termed as success. Success could simply mean the potential of an individual being able to attain the set goals to the...

Words: 935

Pages: 4

The Positive Impacts of Technology in the Education Sector

In today's world, there have been drastic improvements in how things are done at school, at work, and at home. Many of these institutions have benefited enormously from technical advances. It is worth noting that numerous advances and developments have been made in the medical industry, transportation, and education, among...

Words: 1816

Pages: 7

Language Awareness

The two readings, Language Awareness by Paul Eschholz and On Being 17, Bright and Unable to Read by Raymond David, both have a strong theme of courage. Learners benefit from language diversity because it allows them to build self-confidence and believe in themselves. Courage makes tough times easier because it...

Words: 1158

Pages: 5

Wife of Bath’s Prologue

The text depicts the intersection of human nature, human deviance, and societal forces that force people to behave in certain ways. The influence of religion on people's behavior and interrelationships is projected in the Prologue of The Wife of Bath. This is emphasized right from the start of the text,...

Words: 1570

Pages: 6

Population at Risk

The financially disadvantaged, racial and ethnic minorities, the uninsured, low-wage youth, the elderly, the destitute, those with human immunodeficiency infection (HIV), and those with other interminable well-being problems severe psychological maladjustment make up the vulnerable population. It may also include rural residents, who often face barriers to accessing therapeutic services...

Words: 991

Pages: 4

Social stratification refers to a structure or system in which a country or society ranks classes of people in a hierarchy

The structure or mechanism by which a nation or society ranks groups of people in a hierarchy is known as social stratification. For example, in the United States, it is clear that some groups have more money, influence, and status than others. As a result, social stratification is the primary...

Words: 1572

Pages: 6

Trenches and poetry in WW1

The Great War The Great War, also known as World War I, began on July 28, 1914, and lasted until November 11, 1918. About 22 million people were killed or injured in battle. The high death toll was caused by new weapon developments such as chemical weapons and automatic machine guns,...

Words: 2674

Pages: 10


Turnitin and Writing Adviser In my program, Turnitin and Writing Adviser will be crucial. Both of these materials will aid me in my efforts to write better academic essays. They might boost my writing confidence. Turnitin I will be able to tell when my report is unique and has similarities if I use...

Words: 296

Pages: 2

Hazard Control

Hazards Control as a Tool to Enhance the Working EnvironmentHazards control has been used as a tool to enhance the workstation's working environment. Numerous accidents that occurred at the company resulted in lawsuits from the parties harmed. The management resisted paying the wounded employees' claims for compensation. However, the company's...

Words: 319

Pages: 2

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