Turnitin and Writing Adviser

In my program, Turnitin and Writing Adviser will be crucial. Both of these materials will aid me in my efforts to write better academic essays. They might boost my writing confidence.


I will be able to tell when my report is unique and has similarities if I use Turnitin. I'll get better at paraphrasing any text I find online or in books when there are similarities. After the essay has been checked for plagiarism using Turnitin, I will additionally make sure that the citations are accurate. This indicates that the citations will follow the same structure as the writing.

Writing Adviser

My confidence in writing essays will also increase thanks to the writing advisor. This is because if my essays have some grammatical errors, I will not them and correct them in the essays or assignments that follow. Turnitin will also help in protecting my work. When I write essays, term papers, and research papers and submit them using Turnitin, the school will store the papers in its database. This means that the papers cannot be copyrighted by anyone. According to Laine & Karl, 2016, a court ruled out after Turnitin was sued by a number of students that "Turnitin did not harm but rather protect the future marketability of student's works by preventing others from using it". Turnitin will protect the content ownership and copyright.

Both Turnitin and the writing adviser will help me improve the quality and accuracy of the works I do. This is because frequent use of the writing adviser will help me learn and correct grammatical errors. Turnitin will also help me read content from an article, book, or website and use my own words to explain my points.


Laine, C., & Karl, B. (2016). Content ownership and copyright.

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