The Positive Impacts of Technology in the Education Sector

In today's world, there have been drastic improvements in how things are done at school, at work, and at home. Many of these institutions have benefited enormously from technical advances. It is worth noting that numerous advances and developments have been made in the medical industry, transportation, and education, among other fields, since the advent of technology. Technological advances have been an integral part of modern culture, from online classes to social media and e-mails. The availability of up-to-date information and wider access are just a few of the advantages of technology in college; heightening of student motivation and engagement; improvement of collaboration among peers; preparation of the students for the real world; cost-effectiveness and can lower tuition as well as textbook prices; and emboldens the creation of novel teaching techniques. On the other hand, technology has several demerits chief of them being distractions. In other words, it has the potential cause inattentiveness in class as students are more focused on the technology gadgets. Technology is also a source of cyberbullying, disconnected students, and can be a source of cheating. Nonetheless, these adverse elements can be mitigated via proper monitoring of the classroom activities. As such, this paper will strive to illustrate that the positive impacts of technology far outweigh the adverse effects; hence, institutions ought to embrace the same to heighten efficacy.

Nicholas Carr points out how the internet is a primary source of our information and how it affects our ability in reading. The internet is focused on making everything fast and convenient for a person searching information. "I am sure that the moment I seek any information from the Internet automatically I have to get access." All kind of information may it be classwork assignment, articles written by different authors, scholarly articles and such for sure they are all accessible by we students from the websites. With the convenient of short, sweet and to the point articles on the Internet it makes one continue browsing to get the information in full details and within a short duration unlike when accessing any information from a hard copy which requires the whole day. (Carr). The technology currently is used all over almost all colleges as a mean of learning and doing research. To find an article on a website it merely requires only a blink of an eye to access and get the right thing. Many students feel an overwhelming pressure to continually check device in case a teacher releases any vital information. While also on a device, they may quickly use social media or other website pages which are important to them. Classrooms around the world have implemented forms of technology which are comfortable and convenient for students. Research and experience have indicated that there is a potential of a calculator in enhancing a student to excel in mathematics. The cognitive gain in the number sense, conceptual development, and visualization can empower a student with the knowledge to engage in problem-solving at a level which was previously denied. A calculator is an essential tool for a mathematician student for it is convenient and fast in the calculation unlike when a student calculates manually which is time-consuming and makes one bored. An investigation conducted by Eric Milou in 1997 examined whether the algebra teachers were using graphics calculators in their classrooms teaching. (Schaffhauser). It also included their perception of the technology in making their work comfortable and convenient. The participants were high school teachers and the junior high school teachers from the Northeastern US city (Milou, 2). The study also involved surveys that were to be completed by these high school teachers. The finding indicated that use of graphics calculators is controversial to many algebra teachers. Majority of the teachers responded that the use of graphics calculators is an excellent motivation to the students. (Milou, 2). The argument of time-saving and convenience should have an impact on me and you. We need to know that for the production of excellence, the time factor is a consideration in colleges.

Technology is regularly used throughout every college in the world as a mean of communication. The students are in contact with their professors through the mobile phones, emails and other forms of communication. For sure this has made the world to be a global village. Both the students and their professors in different colleges are kept informed and up to date. An article from the website (Technology and the college Generation) points out the importance of technology regarding communication in the colleges. It begins by talking about a professor who was shocked by the fact that a bunch of students was surprised when a pop quiz was not what they expected. The students had not accessed to their class email to see the change of the plan. This explains how professors can use email and texting messages to communicate on the upcoming important dates, which in turn remind students to remain productive. Now that students are fluent with smartphones they can keep up to date with everything that’s going on. This article is excellent because it shows schools taking advantage of the fact those students are so engaged with technology that they use it to communicate with their instructors. Although a student may spend so much time on their phone, they also have to take into account that they can be checking it in order to stay informed. While staying informed a student also must remain motivated to use their phone in a positive matter and find a balance where they are using their devices also to access necessary resources to stay active with schoolwork. There is no reason a student shouldn’t know how to work an email, especially in this day and age (Chang).

Technology in the colleges throughout the world plays a key role in motivating the students in the classes. Motivation helps students to increase their ability to learn and also promote academic achievement. Many of the professors currently use laptops in class to teach the students. Research conducted by Garthwait and Weller in 2005 on the impacts of using laptops by facilitators and lecturers in the classrooms. The study found out that many students were more willing to learn their mistakes and make necessary changes on their laptops. The instructors found themselves conducting only a brief and clear introduction so that the students could actively involve themselves in the completion of the rest of the assignment (Gathwait, 362). This study gives out clear evidence that the laptops motivate students in completing their tasks allocated by their teachers. This kind of motivation through the technology makes the students like their instructors, the field and also it makes a student excel well in their studies. The computer-based instruction individualizes the education process to accommodate the interest, needs and the learning styles of each student. This makes every student feel accommodated and involved in the activities carried out. Therefore, regardless of is said they say, for a student to excel well, he/she needs to be motivated.

Technology not only can make the classroom come lively but can also inform of Assertive Technology which includes the use of any item, equipment, or even product systems that are used to increase and improve functional performances for the people with disabilities. This form of technology is available also for the students who are okay. The technology promotes achievements for those students who lack specific skills. These students are unable to take advantage of learning tools such as geoboards and colored tiles. Virtual manipulatives are provided to classroom teachers as an alternative technology. This makes these students work with these onscreen manipulatives similar to the ones in the classroom. That way student can be accommodated with such tools to enhance their achievements. Some of the questions I want to pose to you are: can these students benefit from these manipulatives? And if so what methods are necessary to research of academic achievement of these students with disabilities? (Flanagan).

Why do we need so much of information? This is when I can blame the technology. Technology for sure has destroyed the Isolation of distance. It is not that the world has become more complicated, but rather it has become more relevant. Not only the world is connected, but it is also bigger. There are more people than ever have resources to do something that matters to us. We have to know much for the world has become more complex, flatter and more significant. All the same, this cannot overweigh the positive impacts for even people need to get a lot from the technology today.

College Students being more distracted than ever. There is an interesting stat saying that since 2013 the amount of time a student is distracted due to technology has increased; however, 90% of students said technology should not be banned from the classroom. This article focuses primarily on how students are actively checking their phone but neglect to show for what reasons. 30% said they shouldn’t change their habits and can use digital devices without distraction. 13% reported the benefits of using their tools for non-class activity outweighed the distractions they caused. Fighting dullness was the most obvious reason mentioned by students for using devices in class. This could also spark the question, how bored would the student be if they were paying attention? If a student is tired, they will become unengaged with what is going on in class. This also means that very little or no information at all is being retained. Does it then make a difference as to whether the student is on their device at this time or not? The new generation primarily relies on the use of technology for staying up to date with everything from interacting with friends and family to keeping up with school work.

In conclusion, for sure technology has a great impact on the colleges throughout the world. It is worth noting that technology has played a pivotal role to students. It is fast and convenient; students can finish their assignments and even indulge themselves in research for it is much faster and easy. The technology has enabled students to excel in their academics for the current technology meets the need of every student. The use of laptops in a class by the students has made students to feel motivated and even develop a positive attitude toward the concerned subject. Communication through text messages and emails has also enabled the teachers to communicate with their students and vice versa. This helps students to be updated on any emerging issues in their classes.

Works Cited

Carr, Nicholas. "is Google Making us Stupid." August 2008. The reality Club. 4 December 2017 .

Chang, Kuo En. "The Effects of Intergratting Mobile Devices." (2016): 252 to 275.

Flanagan, Jennifer Lyn. "The Positives And Negative Effects On Student Achievement." 8/ 200 (August 1 2008): 15 to 20.

InfiniteKnowledge. "Mobile phones." 8 July 2016. 4 December 2017 .

Schaffhauser, Dian. "College Students More Distracted than Ever." 1 July 2016. 4 December 2017 .

"Technology in Classroom." Ed. rebecca Harkema. n.d. 72/622 lessons.

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