Evaluation Essays

An evaluation essay belongs to those examples of academic writing that deal with the analysis of provided judgments or those statements that an author believes to be either true or false. The majority of evaluation essay examples that you may encounter will be based around evidence or justification of a certain point. If there are counter-opinions, include them as well with an unbiased explanation and reliable peer-reviewed references. The trick is to examine the provided information and explain why it is valid and why it is important for backing up your thesis statement. Take time to browse through our evaluation paper samples to see what is considered good evidence and how to structure your assignment correctly.

Facebook Depression

In essence, Facebook's impact on mental health In essence, Facebook is the millennium's new addition. Although virtual, it creates a way for many people to stay updated on the latest trends, make up for lost time, share gossip, or live vicariously through the experience of others. Furthermore, it is not only...

Words: 1399

Pages: 6

The Theme of Gender Identity in Ferdinand the Bull

Disney animated material, films and books, are famous for the depiction of various characteristics as is desired or considered the norm in their subjects. Usually, the characters have varying features which they rarely deflect from. For instance, males are considered brave and fearless while the females are depicted as immensely...

Words: 1159

Pages: 5

How Higher Education and IGE Contribute to Global Citizenship

Higher education and IGE play a vital role in improving the behavior of students and in improving the society. In many countries, it is the responsibility of higher institutions to contribute to the progress of good values in the democracy. It is no secret that universities are viewed as centers...

Words: 1178

Pages: 5

Hercules and Antaeus

Introduction Heaney Seamus is among one of the greatest poets of his time for he focused on key cultural issues that the people of Ireland experienced. During his era society depended more on nature as a source of livelihood and strength and this reflects in the themes present in the poem....

Words: 1175

Pages: 5

Importance of Physical Fitness

Physical Fitness and Its Importance Physical fitness is defined as the capability to perform day to day activities without excessive fatigue while reserving energy that is enough for emergencies. Physical fitness depends on the ability of the heart to effectively pump blood and the capacity of cells to generate energy. It...

Words: 1908

Pages: 7

The Use of Nature in the Poem Song of Songs

In his poem Song of Songs, Michael V. Fox describes a warrior who worships the woman whom he adores, using natural elements in order to express his love towards her. So, he expresses his love towards her, comparing her hair with one kingdom, the forehead with a flight of flowers,...

Words: 1101

Pages: 5

Relationship between Father and Child

In the two stories, authors do thereby express a relationship with their parents and more so to their fathers during their childhood passage and as they grow up eventually. Both fathers had strong appealing love towards the child. The content will discuss and compare the fathers love to their young...

Words: 1131

Pages: 5

The Birth of My Child

I recall with clarity in mind the day that entirely turned around my life. Finally, the moment that I had dreaded for long got up with me. I couldn’t help but release my emotions to roam my mind. My armpits soaked my shirts as my heart palpitates vigorously as if...

Words: 287

Pages: 2

Analysis of Silvia Plath's Poem "The Baby Gives Out a Bald Cry"

Silvia Plath s Effective Use of Imagery Silvia Plath effectively uses imagery in The baby gives out a bald cry. (Plath, S. 1966). The cry, as the poet states, takes its place among the elements. The predictability of the cry is seen to be cold and non-living. It...

Words: 1114

Pages: 5

The Influence of Romanticism in Baz Luhrmann's Moulin Rouge

Moulin Rouge is a French play which tells the story of a young author who falls in love with a movie star featured in the Moulin Rouge. The young poets defy his father's order and join the colorfully diverse clique inhabiting the dark, fantasy world in France. In the dingy...

Words: 1844

Pages: 7

Intertextuality in Isaac Asimov's "The Last Question"

Intertextuality I remember reading a quote once that said "good artists copy; great artists steal." The original author of this quote is shrouded in mystery, since all of the people that were quoted saying it probably stole this quote from someone else. Literary works draw insights and ideas from the real...

Words: 876

Pages: 4

The Importance of Visiting the Home for the Elderly

I remember with nostalgia the day my classmates, and I visited a home for the elderly and spent the entire day there. The visit was my first and served as a valuable learning experience. At first, I was apprehensive because I did not know what to do or say to...

Words: 593

Pages: 3

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