Death penalty is one of the most controversial topics of this decade. There are many people who are pro and against the ideology and acts that bring forth very substantial reasoning. The most agreeable reason that people use is the fact that life is sacred and no one should be...
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On August 28, 1963, at Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC Martin Luther King delivered the speech “I have a dream “which he is famously known for. It was the culmination of the March to Washington protest. It gave the Civil rights movement in the United States a boost in their quest...
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Feminist Economics: A Pluralist Approach Feminist economics can be considered as a pluralist comprehensively; various ontological methods are accommodated, to a wide range of ways of research. Notably, it is not evident in seeing reference to feminisms', rather than 'feminism' and these phrases themselves are discussing the pluralism nature inside the...
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Trifles by Susan Glaspell is a play with a unified plot and has verbal flashbacks to the events that led to the murder of John Wright. The themes highlighted in the play are based on the context of the events, and they include isolation, gender, patriarchy and plight of women....
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The United States' Undocumented Immigrants The United States has millions of undocumented immigrants who came into the country as children before attaining the age of sixteen years, and their parents do not own legal residence in the US. This group of people accounts for 1.3 percent of the American population, and...
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America's Dynamic and Robust Economy America boasts of a dynamic and robust economy despite criticism by the citizens. Not every American believes that the economy is in a good state as purported by the bureaucrats. The article Inequality and the American Dream: The world’s most impressive economic machine needs a little...
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The Similarities and Differences between Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X The essay discusses the similarities and differences between Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X. Malcolm X was an American Muslim who served as a minister and an activist for human rights. His life (1925-1965) is understood by many...
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The film “Footprint: Where the Towers Stood” by Sara Newens is a short documentary submitted to The New York Times Op-Docs series. Op-Docs is a forum created by The New York Times editorial department where artists submit short opinionated documentaries. In this film, Newens covers activities at the site of...
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Parents Always Want the Best Parents always want the best for their children and mine were too. They had taught us to take care of each other, and because I was the man, I had the responsibility of taking care of my sister who was three years younger than me. It...
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In the world today, imprisonment rate has gone up. Anyone can be imprisoned no matter the age or gender. The principal reason for a prison sentence is to punish the offender. Rather than being a punishment, imprisonment can be of decisive impact once the prisoner has practical, financial, social, and...
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Control balance theory (CBT) is a practice of deviant behavior established by Charles Tittle. Tittle’s theory is rooted in the social control perspective and it integrates strands of labelling and social learning. Rather than viewing criminality in the perspective of lack of self-control, Tittle’s central concept explains criminality in a...
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The Role of Tertiary Sectors in the Economic Development of Developed Countries Introduction Developed countries are on the verge of transforming into service economies as the market share of the tertiary industry employment and activities continue to be on the rise. For example in the United States, the service industry has witnessed...
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