Control Balance and Feminist Theories

Control balance theory (CBT) is a practice of deviant behavior established by Charles Tittle. Tittle’s theory is rooted in the social control perspective and it integrates strands of labelling and social learning. Rather than viewing criminality in the perspective of lack of self-control, Tittle’s central concept explains criminality in a control ratio. If control is balanced, people are less likely to commit crime or deviance. If people are faced with control deficit, there is a greater chance that the individuals engage in criminal and deviant behavior. In contrast, Feminism doctrine advocates for socio-political and economic rights for women so that they can be equal to those of men. The essay elaborates control balance and feminism theories.

Control Balance Theory

                        The rudimentary concept of control balance is the extent of control that one can exercise and this determines probability of deviance. Deviance increases with increase with CBR. Control balancing centers around interplay between constraint and deviant motivation. Both of these parameters stem from control ratios (Bachman & Paternoster, 2001). Adequately motivated individuals engages in deviancy within specific zones of Tittle’s typology and this depends on their controls ratio. Deviance improves control ratios which means that the more serious a deviance is, the greater the improvement. Control imbalance means that individuals engage deviant behavior and this imbalance is usually perceived as an opportunity to improve CBR.

            Control deficit is associated with repressive deviance while control surplus is likely to cause autonomous deviance. In explain CBT, Tittle provides six categories of deviant criminal activity that is usually associated with surplus or deficit. Control deficit comprises of predation (such as sexual assault), defiance (such as drug use), and submission (such as allowing other people to bully you). In contrast, control surplus includes exploitation (such as unsafe workplace), plunder (e.g. environmental pollution) and decadence (e.g. sex with children). CBT is based around control and it discusses a person’s surroundings and how a person can overcome certain controls (Bachman & Paternoster, 2001).

            Online social media deviance is on the rise and it can be explored from several angles including influence of control imbalance on deviant behaviors, role of accountability and de-individuation and role of it in influencing de-individuation. For instance in the case of Tim and Lionel, they have been charged with distribution of child pornography. The two kids have convinced four teens in their school to send them nude pictures. They shared the images with their friends. This a classic incident of use of online social media in deviance. The control balance theory entails an important lens of explain online media deviance as seen in the case of Tim and Lionel. All deviant behaviors require opportunity and when motivation is strong, some form of deviance is highly probable.

Feminist Theory

             Feminist theory is a means of looking the social world through a lens of gender inequality. The theory addresses the role of women and the ongoing battles that they face. The concepts of feminism include gender, sex and sex roles. Major types of feminist theories include liberal, radical, cultural, social feminism, post-modern and lesbian feminism. Many people incorrectly assume that feminist theory focuses wholly on women and it has an inherent goal of enhancing superiority of women. In essence, feminist theory views the social world in a way that supports inequality and injustice. The philosophy focuses on interactions and experiences in the society and it ensures that we understand relations, problems and social forces. Basic feminist ideas focus on increasing equality, eliminate gender-stratification and ending sexual-violence. The common theme in feminism is the acknowledgement that the society is organized in a patriarchal manner. A patriarchal society means that males are superior compared to females. Therefore, patriarchy is seen as a form of social stratification.

            Tim and Lionel received pornographic materials and the effect is to give them a sense of entitlement over their peers. A feminist perspective focuses on the role of gender including crime and criminality. The case of Tim and Lionel is one of contemporary feminism whereby relations are structured for the benefit of patriarchal interests. The contribution of feminist’s thought is largely seen in the explanation of male crime and female victimization. By embracing feminist theories, the society is able to critique the way we should react to Tim and Lionel’s criminal activities (Bachman & Paternoster, 2001). Feminism challenges the overall Andros-centric nature of traditional criminology by pointing out the repeated exclusion of women in criminology theories.

            Control theory is more absorbing because it suggests that persons who are attached are likely to be prevented from deviancy while those individuals who are uncontrolled are likely to embrace deviance. As seen in Tim and Lionel’s case, lack of control leads to repressive deviance such as predation, submission and defiance. The amount of control that one exercises affects the likelihood that one may engage in a divergent act. Overcontrol may however lead to self-governing types of deviation such as exploitation, decadence and plunder. In contrast, feminist criminology is imperative in critiquing the study of crime. Feminism is responsible for increasing visibility of both genders. The subject critically assesses the role of patriarchy in the justice system. The study of feminist theory grants women agency in explaining gender-related crimes.


Bachman, R., & Paternoster, R. (2001). Explaining criminals and crime: Essays in contemporary criminological theory. Los Angeles, Calif: Roxbury Publishing Company.

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