Essays on Research

The Economist Martin E. Porter

Martin E. Porter and His Influence on Strategy Martin E. Porter was a young economist who wrote the article How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy, which began a revolution in the strategy sector. Over the following decades, Porter continues to delve into this area further bringing in new ideologies. Porter's five forces...

Words: 691

Pages: 3

A Yellow Raft in Blue Water Research

The chosen Passage from the textual content "This scrap of paper in my hand makes me feel poor in a way like I just heard of rich. Jealous. What type of a person would throw it away?" The significance of the chosen passage The chosen passage is a significant and outstanding citation that...

Words: 353

Pages: 2

Language Research Paper: On Swear Words.

Introduction Introduction of Early styles of jurors was often detestable and disrespectful to anything deemed sacred, sometimes with some religious effect. Over time, however, the room of abhorrent and obscene terms was expanded to include gross expressions describing body roles as well as racial epithets. There are many cases in which...

Words: 1156

Pages: 5

Black Holes

The word black hole can simply be described as a closely packed matter from which nothing, even light, can escape (“10 Amazing Facts About Black Holes”) and (Dunbar, Brian), which flies at an estimated speed of 186,000 miles per second (Richard Talcott). For several years, physicists have been fascinated by...

Words: 2475

Pages: 9

stem cell research ethics and policy

Scientists have shown a high degree of creativity and commitment to changing lives through stem cell studies over the last few decades. However, there are ethical and political concerns over the use of human embryonic stem cells in science. And if the scientists' efforts are only in their early stages, there are...

Words: 3135

Pages: 12

Deontological Theories of Kant

Immanuel Kant and Deontological Ethics Immanuel Kant is well-known for his philosophical ideas and importance in the field of deontological ethics. As spelled out in his moral philosophy, Kant continues to argue that human beings are born with a special capacity to reason. Human beings may participate in acts that are...

Words: 655

Pages: 3

codes of gender

The primary goal of this article The primary goal of this article is to compose an article on Gender Codes. Essentially, in order to complete this task, a well-written research report that relates to and promotes multiple claims will be written down. Most critically, the statements must be rational or make...

Words: 1444

Pages: 6

Celebrity Endorsements and Online Advertising

The impact of celebrity endorsements on online advertisements is discussed in this research article. The study's aims are to ascertain the efficacy of celebrity endorsements on online advertisements, to investigate the factors that lead to celebrities' impact on the online audience, and to assess the benefits and drawbacks of celebrity...

Words: 3535

Pages: 13

Stem Cell Research

Stem cell research is an examination process where foremost cells which develop living organisms are examined. The Stem cell procedures are done in the lab where cells are fully fledged to discover their fundamental possession. The stem cell research controversy delivered a powerful debate on ethics in the past years,...

Words: 1232

Pages: 5

Relax You Don't Need to Eat Clean

Carroll attempted to establish the dietary principles that should guide the choice of food in his article "Relax You Don't Need to Eat Clean" (Carroll n.p). He bases his arguments on other research studies and historical events in order to demonstrate the inconsistencies in the scientific attempt to define healthy...

Words: 1178

Pages: 5

Proposal Research on Capital Punishment

The study's subject is the reprieve of prisoners from the death penalty. The report reflects on how imposing the death penalty on convicted criminals violates the same civil rights that the constitution seeks to secure. Thus, the article suggests a thesis proving that convicted prisoners awaiting the death penalty should...

Words: 915

Pages: 4

about global warming

Introduction For several years, global warming has been a crippling problem in the world. This is due to the fact that its consequences are detrimental to our planet, environment, culture, and health status. Global warming refers to the gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere or climate system,...

Words: 1309

Pages: 5

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