Essays on Identity

The Role of Fate and Destiny in The Antigone and Darfur Conflict

Before 1916, Fur was the ethnic group residing in Darfur area and was converted to Islam in the 1300s. Islam acknowledged the state religion after the establishment of Darfur Sultanate, therefore the emergence of conflicts in Sudan. The 80 tribes and groups in Darfur divided into sedentary and nomads’ communities...

Words: 357

Pages: 2

Analysis of "Girl" by Alice Walker

Girl Girl is a poem revolving around a mother-daughter relationship. With the mother doing all the talking, this poem emerges as a harsh conversation between the narrator and her mum. This piece of literal work describes in depth the expectation of the narrators’ mother in all aspects of her life from...

Words: 677

Pages: 3

Gender Differences in Leadership

Leadership Leadership entails working with people in the fast-changing and complex world to make a difference (Pava 3). The society needs sustainable and flexible organizations constituting of individuals. Leadership concerns mobilization of people on tackling tough issues, and it is embedded in everybody. The key to leadership is an ability to...

Words: 988

Pages: 4

The Difference Between Single-Sex and Cored Schools

In single sex schools there exists a high likelihood of boys pursuing their exact interests compared to those in cored schools who stereotypically get pressured to go for courses traditionally perceived to be for boys. In a statement, the author argues that boys in all-boys schools are more than...

Words: 377

Pages: 2

Students' Views on Online Payment Methods

Advance in technology changed every aspect of the manner in which businesses operate. Tech-savvy students and customers can now order and receive goods and services using their electronic devices in their residents (Suen, 2014). Credit and debit cards are the most common payment methods which students use in their online...

Words: 606

Pages: 3

Security of Credit Cards and Debit Cards in Online Shopping

Online payment has gained huge international attraction because they have enable exchanges of money electronically. However, the use of credit card or debit card in online shopping poses a security threat (Rainie et al., 2013). Customers have raised the concerns of using these cards in online transactions. The security of...

Words: 560

Pages: 3

Identity Masks

The Masks We Wear in Life The paper discusses masks that I wear in life which in most cases are used to impress or please others. An individual can wear different masks such as sexuality, being non-sensitive, or gay in their entire life. Often people wear social masks to navigate the...

Words: 354

Pages: 2

The Impact of Gender Diversity on Knowledge Combination and Innovation in Technology-Based Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

The purpose of this essay is to summarise an academic article on “Knowledge Combination Capability and Innovation: The Effect of Gender Diversity on Top Management Teams in Technology-Based Firms” by Ruiz-Jime´nez, Fuentes-Fuentes, and Ruiz-Arroyo (2016), published in the Journal of Business Ethics. Study objectives The overall aim of the study was to...

Words: 733

Pages: 3

Gender Inequality in the Mining Industry

The mining industry is currently faced with skills shortage which in turn affects staffing negatively. Mining companies struggle to remain viable and profitable considering the skills shortage. Gender discrimination in the mining industry Historically, mining industry has been a male dominated industry with very few women finding their way in the industry...

Words: 1338

Pages: 5

A Multicultural Organization

Multiculturalism Multiculturalism is a situation where all different cultures or racial groups in society receive and enjoy equal rights and opportunities without any forms of discrimination or disrespect. Ordinarily, multiculturalism comprising of various aspects of religion, cultural and cultural groups manifest itself in the thinking, customary behaviors, values and cultural presumptions....

Words: 367

Pages: 2

The Profit Motive in Economics

Profit Motive Profit motive refers to the aim to accomplish a financial gain or material bid. It may as well be described as the fundamental reason as to why people or organizations take part in any activity. In economics, the profit motive is the incentive of companies which function for profits...

Words: 388

Pages: 2

Gender Wage Variation

Compensation and Gender Wage Variation Compensation of work done is appreciated and matters surrounding minimum wages are widely discussed but there are issues of differential treatment with respect to gender. World over men seem to be earning a higher salary or wage income than women. The purpose of this paper is...

Words: 602

Pages: 3

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