Essays on History

Interest in the past has existed since the beginning of the human race – your writing of a history essay confirms it. Humans themselves are historical beings – we grow, change, and evolve. History essays often explore the origins of history. Samples of essays on history teach us that the original meaning of the word ‘history” goes back to ancient Greek, meaning “investigation”, “establishment” – history was identified as the establishment of the truth about events and facts. Later this word’s meaning changed and it was perceived more as a story about the events of the past. History is one of the oldest sciences, so many essays were written about it over the years. Our ancestors appreciated history and called it “Magistra vitae” – a teacher of life. Check out our history essay samples and explore various topics on the history you can apply in your essay.

The influence of Italian Art & culture in the world."

Italy is regarded as the birthplace of Western civilization and a cultural superpower (Manzi, p.65). The European Integration, the Risorgimento, the Renaissance, the Roman Catholic ecclesiastical system, the Roman Empire, and Magna Graecia all had their origins in Italy. Throughout its history, the nation has produced a staggering number of...

Words: 1402

Pages: 6

Early Operas of Verdi

Italian Revolutionaries of the 19th Century and the Risorgimento MovementItalian revolutionaries of the 19th century were part of the Risorgimento movement, which translates as "rising again." Italian nobility exploited the movement to overthrow foreign rulers and unite the peninsula under a single authority. While other cultures practiced a hyper-individualistic kind...

Words: 331

Pages: 2

islamic art

The Development of Islamic Art in the West The nineteenth century saw the development of Islamic art in the West. It does not define art with a proper set of theological imagery, unlike Christian or Buddhist art. Although there aren't many religious symbols in Islamic art, the phrase applies to all...

Words: 2258

Pages: 9

Ancient Civilizations' Representations of Humans

While subsequent civilizations included other topics, including politics and economics, in their depictions of human forms, the pre-historic period's depictions of human forms were only concerned with religious issues. The represented human forms were primarily intended to provide spiritual support (Bryce 328). The representation of these shapes for the adornment...

Words: 1014

Pages: 4

Italy's San Vitale, Ravenna, and the Emperor Justinian and His Attendants, around 547

Because it was produced over a long period of time and spans a number of topographical regions that radiate from Constantinople, the Roman Empire's capital, Byzantine art is difficult to define (Khan Academy, n.d.). Emperor Justinian constructed the mosaics in the cathedral of San Vitale in the sixth century. Emperor...

Words: 2393

Pages: 9

Comparison between the Mycenean and Minoan cultures

IntroductionA society's art is its spirit, and in order to comprehend a culture fully, understanding its art is crucial. The Minoan and Mycenean cultures were highly different from one another, despite the fact that the majority of the art created during this period was inspired by or an extension of...

Words: 1102

Pages: 5

How Photography Became a Weapon during War

Photography documentation is a common term for a type of photography that is used to record settings and occasions that are important and applicable to both historical and contemporary life. It is obvious that varied crime sites will always contain evidence. The realm of evidence can also benefit significantly from...

Words: 2410

Pages: 9

early civilization human form

The Broad Concept of Civilization The broad concept of civilization is used in many different domains. In this context, civilization is used to refer to a group of people who have deep spiritual resources and have created materials that include political, legal, and cultural elements. After briefly defining civilization, this essay...

Words: 937

Pages: 4

Advantages and Disadvantages of Sanctions and Boycotts

People and countries have used boycotts and sanctions throughout history to further their social and political agendas. Klein, Smith, and John (2004, p. 93) define boycotting as the act of ceasing social or commercial ties with a person, group, or nation as a form of retribution or political protest. Therefore,...

Words: 2394

Pages: 9

The Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright Were Influenced by Japan

Many people consider Frank Lloyd Wright to be one of the most innovative American architects. His designs have compassion for the environment as their guiding principle. The Fallingwater was one of his creations that highlighted his concern for the environment. He created and constructed the floating home known as Fallingwater....

Words: 2842

Pages: 11


Siqueiros' Mural Siqueiros' mural, which was commissioned by the Plaza Art Center, included smiling people, parrots, and palm trees with fruits that were thrown into people's mouths. Siqueiros created a mural that is regarded as one of the most provocative works of art in the history of Los Angeles, defying the...

Words: 1480

Pages: 6


In terms of art, romanticism has always been a reflection of the historical intellectual materialism in society. It sparked a rebellion against social norms as well as warm feelings, a vivid imagination, and freedom from other types of art. It can be seen in writing, poetry, music, artwork, and even criticism....

Words: 377

Pages: 2

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