Essays on Politics

The Blue Wall of Silence

The Blue Wall of Silence The blue wall of silence, also known as the blue code or blue shield, is an unwritten rule among police officers that prevents them from reporting their colleagues' errors, crimes, and misbehavior. When a colleague is accused of misconduct, police officers read from the same script...

Words: 2417

Pages: 9

The United States

The United States has various manufacturing industries The United States has various manufacturing industries that produce a variety of commodities. One of these companies is Procter & Gamble (P&G), which manufactures household consumption goods. P&G's headquarters are in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, and it was formed in 1837 by James...

Words: 2353

Pages: 9

Blame for the Deaths of Asylum Seekers in the Mediterranean

The deaths of asylum seekers have been the focal point of the Mediterranean crisis. Most asylum seekers do not take care when fleeing across the Mediterranean Sea since they use illicit routes to reach countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea and other European countries (Independent, 2016). Mass deaths have recently been...

Words: 3012

Pages: 11

Australia-Indonesia relationship essay

The Australia-Indonesia Connection The phrase “Australia-Indonesia connection” has been the topic of much debate over the years, with the meaning most recently referring to the two countries’ distinct relationship. The relationship between the two countries has deteriorated and has become a source of concern as Australia appears to be less concerned...

Words: 1566

Pages: 6

Why US Presidents Were Adamant about Protecting the Spoils System

Following Senator William L. Marcy's contentious declaration in 1829, "to the winners belong the spoils," the spoils system was founded. It was a new system in which political appointments dictated who would hold civil and government positions. While the contentious spoils system was considered to be a means of encouraging...

Words: 290

Pages: 2


I was always perplexed by the whole debate around North Korea's ballistic missile tests until I read Mandelbaum's article, "Is major war obsolete?" Mandelbaum's ideas have helped me gain meaningful insight into the concept of war, with particular focus on issues such as the cost of a major war, the...

Words: 292

Pages: 2


Australia's Two-Tier Society Australia has had tremendous economic and social progress in recent decades. However, the progress has been eclipsed by growing disparities between the haves and have-nots, resulting in a divided society. This disparity, according to Jamrozik(2009), is caused by unequal distribution of goods and services. The imbalance in resource...

Words: 2114

Pages: 8


Politics and its Meanings Politics has numerous meanings, but the core premise is that it is the process of building a government, seeking authority in a sovereign region, or a worldwide approach to forming an international system with member states facing a common challenge. The procedures goal is to find...

Words: 1023

Pages: 4

advertisement - The Daisy Girl

This advertising was intentionally shown on American television to provide President Lyndon Johnson political mileage against Barry Goldwater in the 1964 presidential election. The advertisement opens with an innocent girl counting petals from a daisy floral component. As the video zooms in on the girl's eye, a gruff voice begins...

Words: 285

Pages: 2

European Union

The subject of whether the European Union will still exist in the twenty-first century has prompted various authors to present arguments, each attempting to provide reasons to support their point of view. Leonard, Reid, Alesina, Giavazzi, and Robert Kagan are among the authors who have authored works based on the...

Words: 2270

Pages: 9

An International Research Paper

The People's Republic of China The people's Republic of China has a number of shoe manufacturing enterprises whose products are sold all over the world. China is seen as a unitary and sovereign state in eastern Asia (Chen & Feng, 2000). Form of Government The country features an unusual form of government, with...

Words: 1272

Pages: 5


The Crisis Surrounding the Repeal and Replacement of Obamacare The scenario surrounding the repeal and replacement of Obamacare has reached crisis proportions. The present administration is unable to garner enough support to fulfill its commitment to repeal the current health-care law. Indeed, a number of political issues are impeding the repeal...

Words: 898

Pages: 4

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