Essays on Politics

The Relationship Between Putin and Anatoly Sobchak

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has brought out much debate on the role of Putin. This article outlines Putin's political career and His relationship with Russian president Yeltsin and Anatoly Sobchak. You will also learn about the challenges Putin faces as President of Russia. It is important to read this article...

Words: 451

Pages: 2

A Biography of Zheng He

Chinese naval explorer, fleet admiral, and court eunuch Zheng He Chinese naval explorer, fleet admiral, and court eunuch Zheng He was born to a Muslim family. He received the surname Zheng from the Yongle Emperor and became one of the greatest maritime and diplomatic figures of his time. However, his life...

Words: 336

Pages: 2

Fidel Castro and the United States

Cuba is a small island nation encompassing only 11 million people. While Fidel Castro led Cuba, he helped to create and lead a generation of Latin Americans who perished in bloody guerrilla ventures and inflamed anti-communist military dictatorships. He also sent armies to Africa to fight apartheid and prop up corrupt...

Words: 373

Pages: 2

Doctor Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan's Background Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was born in Tamil Nadu and raised in a middle-class family. He was appointed professor of philosophy at the University of Calcutta (CU) and held the King George V Chair of Mental and Moral Science. He served at CU for 12 years and also...

Words: 430

Pages: 2

A Brief History of Lokmanya Tilak

Bal Gangadhar Tilak: A Brief History Bal Gangadhar Tilak, better known as Lokmanya, was an Indian nationalist, educator, and independence activist. The third member of the Lal Bal Pal triumvirate, he was a leader of the Indian independence movement. He was also known as the "father of Indian unrest" by the...

Words: 777

Pages: 3

The Kansas City Gun Experiment

The Kansas City Gun Experiment: A Failure with Multiple Factors The Kansas City gun experiment was a failure for many reasons. Most gun studies failed to measure certain factors, including Location, Internal consistency, and Test-retest reliability. This article explores these issues. However, one aspect of the experiment that has not been...

Words: 681

Pages: 3

ethical/racial profiling

Should Ethnic Profiling be Implemented as a Security Measure? Other security policies that have previously been implemented have failed, so ethnic profiling is needed. Israel has successfully implemented racial discrimination at their airports. Terrorists have historically been able to circumvent even the most stringent security steps. Racial discrimination seems legally justifiable...

Words: 626

Pages: 3

the role of women then and now

In Western society, the national movement for women's liberation In Western society, the national movement for women's liberation emerges in the second half of the nineteenth century, when women first manifest as autonomous organized political power. The term feminism, which means "women's liberation," was first used in political debates (Hannam, 2007). Equitable...

Words: 1433

Pages: 6

The Gun Control Issues Raised in “Lethal Passage” by Erik Larsen

Gun Control: Background and History Gun control is a system of rules or guidelines that govern the manufacture, commercialization, distribution, ownership, alteration, or use of weapons by civilians. Many countries have stringent gun-control rules, with only a few exceptions deemed permissive. In the United States, gun regulations pressed for the passage...

Words: 2043

Pages: 8

Conspiracy Theory of the 9/11

For many years, people have been debating the September 11, 2001, attack on the United States. It was one of the most heartbreaking tragedies to strike the United States, and it will be remembered for the rest of time. The actions of September 11, 2001 were heinous, and they will...

Words: 1914

Pages: 7

Conspiracy Theory

A conspiracy theory and its characteristics A conspiracy theory is a detailed interpretation of a certain circumstance or occurrence that primarily invokes conspiracy thinking without a warrant. Conspiracy theories are typically based around illicit and dangerous acts carried out by influential individuals or regimes. They primarily build or are proud of...

Words: 836

Pages: 4

India and nationalism

During the Indian independence struggle, an ideology known as nationalism emerged. The subject is focused on explaining and highlighting how India has been governed and ruled by various regimes and emperors throughout history. Furthermore, further elaboration on how India has impacted under the Akhand and Emperor Bharata through the institutions...

Words: 1176

Pages: 5

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