Essays on Philosophy

As you write your philosophy essay, remember that philosophy is one of the most ancient areas of knowledge – it emerged in the 7th-6th centuries BC in India, China, and Ancient Greece. According to some philosophy essays, the word “Philosophy” can be translated from ancient Greek as a "love of wisdom”. Many essays on philosophy introduce a more formal definition of philosophy – a form of spiritual activity, aimed at posing, analyzing, and resolving fundamental issues, related to the development of a holistic view of the world and the place of humans in it. Humanity's most prominent philosophers are Aristotle, Descartes, Confucius, Plato, Kant, Locke, Nietzsche, Socrates, and many others. Do you want some helpful tips for your essay? Our philosophy essay samples have plenty! Check samples of essays below for more info.

kindness concept

Kindness Kindness is described as human conduct characterized by a friendly temperament, ethical traits, numerous displays of interest, and the act of considering other people around a person. Notably, compassion is regarded as a virtue, a value, or both in a variety of religions and cultures. Furthermore, kindness can be described...

Words: 551

Pages: 3

Keeping a log of my daily routine

Introduction It has been an enlightening activity to keep a record of my daily schedule, which will improve my future time management activities. Strict Schedule I have a strict schedule that consumes a set number of hours per day across my classes. My school timetable and homework decide my schedule. Need for Time Management The...

Words: 290

Pages: 2

social responsibility of business

Four Main Theories on Corporate Social Responsibility There are four main theories on corporate social responsibility; political theory, instrumental theory, legal theory, and integrative theory. In instrumental philosophy, entrepreneurship is seen as a revenue-generating tool, and social enterprises are just a means of achieving economic performance. Political philosophy is self-interested in...

Words: 346

Pages: 2

society and business reflective journal

The first thought-provoking entry asks you to ponder on, If we were to experience work as genuinely significant, there would be value to be found in the work itself, some inner sense, not only paying for it (Svendsen, 2016, p.10). Jobs can be viewed as having a difference because one needs...

Words: 1258

Pages: 5

Kant’s Response on Hume’s Scepticism

David Hume is a philosopher whose reputation and importance in philosophy owes to his very brave critical approach to a number of philosophical issues. Hume challenged existing notions of causality and suggested that in the real world itself the human interpretation of relationship of cause and effect is affected by...

Words: 2056

Pages: 8

Importance quotes

At a conference at the new school in New York City I first floated my idea of gaga feminism. At a meeting, she first gave out her concept of feminism Here she comes to the concept that for the young and the elderly, feminism is both. There is no longer a feminist conference...

Words: 262

Pages: 1

Reality Concept

Reality consists of each matter and ideas. Both are components of reality. Reality, according to philosophical concepts, is the true state of the things as they exist in actuality. Reality can be understood as the concept of being. A aspect is said to be real or true if it is or...

Words: 1109

Pages: 5

Lying, Path the Truth

Truth is specifically reduced to the correspondence principle, which holds that truth corresponds to facts and is related to reality or metaphysical realism. When assessing the essence of fact, it can take many forms and truth can be found in many ways and still contribute to a common theme, but...

Words: 967

Pages: 4

Theory of the Social Contract

In several speeches relating to political science, the state has been the focal point. This can be traced from Plato's scholarly works to Karl Marx, who also delved into a study of the manner in which a state's structure and responsibilities have increasingly changed over time. There was no meeting of...

Words: 1764

Pages: 7

Mars and Psychologists

Mars Exploration and NASA s Research Mankind is formed in such a way that the need for discovery is hard to quench. For a bit, the discovery of Mars is in the pipeline. Since nobody has even gone so far in space, NASA needs to get sufficient details about how its...

Words: 332

Pages: 2

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