Essays on Personal Philosophy

Man a Machine - A literature review

The first materialist in France, Julien Offray de La Mettrie was a scholar. La Mettrie studied a wide range of subjects and kept up with all recent scientific developments. Due to a personal encounter, he developed an interest in materialism. La Mettrie, a military physician, had developed a temperature and...

Words: 2106

Pages: 8

Dialogue of a Happy Life: What makes a good life?

Living a Moral Existence Living a moral existence fulfills another desire and is what defines a good life. It involves acting with respect for others, particularly the elderly and the disabled, and showing compassion for them. Or, Lord Jesus, what do you think? Jesus: Amenemope, I concur that leading a selfless, dedicated life...

Words: 826

Pages: 4

For a society, there is a tension between the benefits and dangers of philosophy; Socrates

In society, there are tensions between the benefits and dangers of personal philosophy. Given the philosophical ideas that Socrates and his colleagues disseminated to the people of Athens, Greece, there was a high likelihood that religious figures and rulers would raise objections. Many people thought that the ideas labeled as...

Words: 937

Pages: 4

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