Essays on Marketing

plan for contingency

A contingency is any unanticipated or unplanned occurrence that might or might not occur throughout the future. It is an occurrence that is normally outside the organization's reach and can have an effect on its organizational operations as well as other procedures. The most important realization of disaster preparation is the...

Words: 626

Pages: 3

marketing mix

A marketing mix A marketing mix is a set of strategies used by businesses to accomplish their marketing goals in a specific region. It is made up of the seven Ps of marketing: product, price, advertising, location, individuals, method, and physical proof (Siguaw & Judy A, 129-133). This discussion would go...

Words: 777

Pages: 3

repayment of loan

If I were in the same position as Figg and Koellmann, I would stop making mortgage payments, default on the loan, and walk away from the home. The element I would consider is closely similar to the one considered by Figg. Fluctuating home rates would imply that I am paying...

Words: 1307

Pages: 5

about tech tools

The advancement of communication systems, along with competitive globalization, has resulted in the proliferation of various information and communication technology applications. Furthermore, the provision of dependable internet services, as well as subsequent technical advances, have influenced the growth of these applications. Organizations often use technologies to gain knowledge in order...

Words: 981

Pages: 4

Point of Sales (POS)

The time and location at which a purchase is concluded are referred to as the point of sale (POS). The POS scheme is described by Laudon, K. C., and Laudon, J. P. (2016) as an updated variant of the standard register. Many components are used in the device, including apps,...

Words: 1394

Pages: 6

engagement of stakeholders

Stakeholders are individuals or organizations that have a stake in a company's policy and activities. Shareholders, employees, clients, and the broader population are all stakeholders (Papadakis et al., 2008). Non-human organizations that can influence or be impacted by an organization's life and activities are also considered stakeholders. In the context...

Words: 1418

Pages: 6

the market segmentation

Market segmentation is the process of grouping prospective consumers depending on their characteristics. This practice, according to Venter et al., is critical because it allows advertisers of a particular commodity to reach a certain segment from which they are expected to gain further revenue (74). An organization has a good...

Words: 836

Pages: 4

Business development plans

Businesses who are able to embark on a detailed action strategy for sustainable success will benefit from business planning strategies. The plan I chose to focus on is how to create a plan to eliminate workplace sexual discrimination. This will address how employees are prepared to promote company growth. Examine the...

Words: 795

Pages: 3

Buyer Behavior and Segmenting Markets

Buyer behavior refers to how consumers think and behave when making purchasing choices. This trend is divided into two categories: industrial customers who buy for business uses and customers who buy for their own and family's consumption. The business is concerned with the buyer's organization, the consumer's logistical need, and...

Words: 576

Pages: 3

cover letter to a job application

I'm writing to apply for a position as a retailer at Woolworths, which was advertised on GENERATION on August 18, 2017. I am a team player who takes pride in being an effective retailer. I've added my CV to support my work application, and it highlights some of the valuable...

Words: 311

Pages: 2

about corporate financial management

The project involving the introduction of a new over-the-counter (OTC) product should be rejected by Austrochemicals Ltd (AL).Reasons for RejectionThis is due to the project's unfavorable Net Present Value (NPV), both when contract transactions are included and when the related cash flows associated with these additional contract manufacturing sales are...

Words: 677

Pages: 3

training strategy development

Staff Training Growth in an Organization Staff training growth in an organization entails core actions that management must take to ensure they are useful in a staff training course. Staff training has a significant impact on the firm's strategic growth and the way in which the individual has trained in their...

Words: 732

Pages: 3

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