Essays on Marketing Strategy

Application of the E-Marketing Mix 4P to Analyze the Most Important Factor Determining Hong Kong Female Undergraduates to Purchase Online Korean Fashion

The tremendous change in technology has significantly transformed the way businesses activities are conducted across the world through enhancing marketing and selling practices. Over the recent period, advancement in technology has increased e-commerce since it allows manufacturers to access customers from a different dynamic of the world (Shin and Lee...

Words: 2319

Pages: 9

The Use of Social Media as a Marketing Tool

The social media platform acts as a frontline in marketing goods and services in the business firms. Business industries can now access resources that were unavailable building worthiness and creating strategic relationships between the customers and suppliers through interaction. Understanding the social media is a rising necessity for business owners...

Words: 4115

Pages: 15

The Impact of Social Media on Destination Image and Selection

The Internet has revolutionized global business in the 21st century. It has improved the speed of connecting to the customers international, cost effective in terms of the economies of scale and provided promising avenues to venture and promote in novel business opportunities to many customers globally (Boulianne 2017, p. 5)....

Words: 3486

Pages: 13

The Potential of Social Media for Luxury Brand Management

Studies on digital marketing have increased with the expansion of the social media space. Many salesmen have realized that social media can significantly aid in reaching out to more customers thereby boosting profits. However, few studies have been done concerning the use of social media as a digital marketing tool...

Words: 4057

Pages: 15

The Role of Marketing in Small and Medium Sized Companies

Small and medium-size organisations have been explained as the backbone of diverse business activities being undertaken in various nations across the international market. Some changes have been experienced by company managers with the introduction of technology, and they have affected the marketing strategies applied in the current market. The study...

Words: 4622

Pages: 17

Impact of Social Media on Fashion Retail Industry

Introduction: Using Social Media as a Fashion Marketer makes the task of advertising very easy. The influence of social media on fashion industry has become very strong since last decade and a considerable achievement has been observed. Businesses have adopted social media as an upgradation gadget. Fashion industry is frequent...

Words: 1481

Pages: 6

The Impact of Social Media on Destination Image

Internet has revolutionized global business in the 21st century. It has improved the speed of connecting to the customers international, cost effective in terms of the economies of scale, and provided promising avenues to venture and promote in novel business opportunities to many customers globally (Boulianne, 2017, p. 5). One...

Words: 3523

Pages: 13

Analysis of the Impact of Internet Marketing on Small Firms

In this age of technology, internet marketing is vital since the majority of customers use the internet regularly which creates an opportunity for firms to reach them. Companies thus need strategies which will enable them to reach these customers and effectively advertise their goods and services to them. This study...

Words: 4755

Pages: 18

Retailing in the United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, retail techniques have always shown signs of change since the mid-1960s amid the emergence of modern technology (Thomas, Bromley ez, Agudo-Peregrina Pascual-Miguel, 2016). However, the emergence of online marketing seriously impacted on their operations. The optional sale techniques used in the high street...

Words: 5165

Pages: 19

Marketing Plan for Trinity Independent Living

In terms of the rising globalisation and expansion of the use of the internet technologies more and more companies revert to the use of new marketing mechanisms in order to be enhance online and offline presence. The importance of the maintenance of high brand recognition is confirmed by the entities...

Words: 4491

Pages: 17

Societal Marketing Impact on Corporate Image

Does societal marketing have an impact on the consumer perception on an organization’s corporate image? Do demographic factors affect the consumers’ view on the corporate image of the organization? Abstract This research aims to do an in-depth analysis of the role of marketing focused on society's long-term interests on a product's promotional...

Words: 417

Pages: 2

How Online Marketing Has Had A Negative Impact On Revenue Generation On Radio Stations

Description of dissertation topic. The more detail here the better! For the past ten years the use of the internet has increased by about 2000% globally and its use has enabled the planet to a global village where news travel instantaneously. Marketers have resulted to use the internet especially social media...

Words: 353

Pages: 2

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