cover letter to a job application

I'm writing to apply for a position as a retailer at Woolworths, which was advertised on GENERATION on August 18, 2017. I am a team player who takes pride in being an effective retailer. I've added my CV to support my work application, and it highlights some of the valuable skills I'd bring to the firm, which includes:
Experience: I've worked as a vendor in two other well-known supermarkets for the past two years. Results: An increase in the graph sales and if anyone can close a deal I can.

I am a qualified candidate for a job in your company because I share the same visions and goals with Woolworth’s group and I’m careful to ensure stake holders and customer needs are met. I have recently completed my undergraduate Bachelor’s degree in Economics and permanently reside in Australia. I am flexible and can work from any location as required of me.

I have taken an interest in Woolworths Company because I was impressed with the company’s profile I read on a Business Retail journal last month and also the visions, values and organisational objectives governing the retail operations.I will be delighted to have an opportunity to work and use my skills to benefit your organisation.

Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely,

Jane Student 7.

Possible Challenges in Applying for the Program

Retailing requires patience and resilience. Dealing with difficult customers, being tired because of standing all day, always creating a good customer experience for delivery and reliability by presenting yourself to work at all times may be some of the challenges one may encounter as a retailer (Cox et al.).

Works Cited

Cox, Annette, et al. "Productivity in the retail sector: Challenges and opportunities." Recuperado de http://www. employment-studies. co. uk/system/files/resources/files/ukces0816d. pdf (2016).

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