Essays on Health

Writing a health essay is a good way to remind yourself that heath is an invaluable asset and the main condition of a fulfilling life. Health helps us take care of our plans, overcome difficulties, and if necessary, handle significant overloads. Carefully maintained health sets us up for long life – all health essays you can find in our essay samples agree with this statement. Many essays on health were written about unfortunate health issues like hypodynamia and obesity, you too should consider them for your essay. Some people have other issues – they fail to rest, putting aside work and domestic concerns. Those people are always restless, anxious, suffer from insomnia, and nervous episodes. Some people succumb to addiction, which significantly shortens their lives. Read our health essay samples for more info on the topic of health!


Pesticides are commonly used in households, businesses, and agriculture. Several well-designed molecular and epidemiological studies have shown that increased pesticide use is a significant contributor to the increasing number of cancer cases. Individuals exposed to pesticides as bystanders and those who are active in the release of such pesticides, also...

Words: 1926

Pages: 8

Harvesting of Organs

Harvesting of Organs The International Society describes organ harvesting for Human Rights (ISHR) as the deliberate killing of people to sell their body parts for transplantation. The bodies of "suspected donors" are cremated (ISHR, 2017). Not all countries worldwide engage in the heinous activity, but a few stand out, including China,...

Words: 1168

Pages: 5

Prostate Cancer

According to previous research, Prostate Cancer affects two percent of men between the ages of 15 and 45. Over the last 30 years or so, the disease's prevalence has been steadily increasing. The problem arises from a lack of understanding and awareness of the disease, its causes, and risk factors...

Words: 1860

Pages: 7

University Culture

Introduction: The High Rate of Alcohol and Substance Abuse in Universities Many universities have a high rate of alcohol and substance abuse. This is because there is unrestricted independence and everyone else is responsible for paying the bills. The rate of drug and alcohol use among American students is alarmingly high...

Words: 358

Pages: 2

The Abortion Dilemma

The act of ending a pregnancy by separating the embryo or fetus from the uterus is known as abortion. The rights of a woman, a fetus, and a father have always been a source of contention between pro-life and pro-abortion groups when it comes to abortion. Some people who identified...

Words: 3943

Pages: 15

Drug and alcohol abuse

Drugs and alcohol abuse is a global problem that affects not only Australia but the entire world. It affects people of all faiths, races, skin tones, and origins. Australia is one of the most drug-abusing continents, posing a threat to health care. Drug abusers include health care professionals, teachers, relatives,...

Words: 2048

Pages: 8

Gender Binary and How Society Had Binary

The Gender Binary The gender binary is described as the artificial division of earthly things into masculine (for men) and feminine (for women) categories (American Psychiatric Association, 2016). In most societies, gender roles are divided into two categories. When a baby is born, it has a binary gender identity, which means...

Words: 665

Pages: 3

The disadvantages of abortion

Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in the world right now, and it is coming up in a lot of political and policy discussions all over the place. The debate about whether or not abortion should be allowed is now open to the public. Abortion is a threat...

Words: 3195

Pages: 12

Learning Disabilities Essay Sample

Learning disabilities Learning disabilities are a class of disorders that affect the brain's ability to learn and process information. They may be caused by a variety of factors, including Central Nervous System Dysfunction (CNS), genetics, and culture. In some cases, learning disabilities can co-exist with other handicapping conditions, such as intellectual...

Words: 827

Pages: 4

Body Modification Techniques

Body Modification and Its Various MethodsBody modification is the alteration of the human body or physical appearance for a variety of reasons. It ranges from tattooing to socially acceptable decoration. It also includes religious rites of passage and modern primitive movements. While the methods of body modification vary greatly, some...

Words: 737

Pages: 3


Introduction The distinction between therapy and enhancement is highly debatable, and in most situations, the award is still questionable.Therapy vs. Enhancement The difference between therapy and enhancement, while subtle, should not be overlooked. Therapy is a type of therapy that seeks to rehabilitate an ill person by treating their illnesses, disabilities, conditions, impairments,...

Words: 1310

Pages: 5

Why abortion should be illegalized.

Though abortion is legal in Canada under the constitution, it is a moral and ethical offense that should be outlawed. Abortion is a violation of fundamental human values that has been practiced for many years. We will look at abortion from the following perspectives in this paper: A medical point of...

Words: 1380

Pages: 6

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