Essays on Community

Any community essay strives to understand how communities evolved and why people need them. Word “community” originated from Latin “communitas”, which means “community”, “public spirit”, and also from Latin “communis”, which means “common”. Community essays define the subject as a historically established union of people with stable social connections and common features that have common values, objectives, customs, religion, and guided by the same norms. As some essays on community curiously point out, sometimes a community may not even have a physical location but will be defined by a group of people with common interests. People are social beings, so being a part of a community is what most people find a comfortable way of living. View our community essay samples and you may learn something new. Listed essay samples are various yet equally interesting!


Definition of Violence Violence is described as the deliberate use of physical force or control, whether threatening or actual, against oneself, another individual, or a group or society, which results in or has a high probability of resulting in injury, death, psychological damage, maldevelopment, or deprivation (World Health Organization). Violence may...

Words: 1270

Pages: 5


Art is a broad field that encompasses many aspects of life. Various aspects of art are used to symbolize and depict various aspects of life. Shapes, designs, and colours, for example, were used to represent the traditions and beliefs of various ancient communities. The numerous arts that were used in...

Words: 1503

Pages: 6

The home design

The idea of "home" is extremely strong. Consumers also use spots, interior décor, design, and design to build an identity, a place that represents who they are and to establish a refuge, a safe escape from the outside world (Brule, 2012). The significance of the first encounter and the connection...

Words: 2771

Pages: 11

The Transformation of Gender in Iran

Gender notions of Iranian modernity have undergone a significant transition since the first ten years of the twentieth century. These developments were characterized by women's desire to assert their position in their society, which sparked the participation of women in matters of nationalism, which were mostly presided over by males...

Words: 1222

Pages: 5

The Dobe Ju/'hoansi

In his novel, Richard B. Lee describes his experience with the Ju/'hoansiIn his novel, Richard B. Lee describes his experience with the Ju/'hoansi, also known as the SAN. This ethnic group is known for its hunting practices and the creation of groups that lived in the bush. If you've heard...

Words: 892

Pages: 4

about world police

The world economy The world economy has various problems that must be addressed appropriately. Cases of weak leadership and violations of human rights are on the rise. As a result, developed countries must use all available means to provide advice to emerging countries. A superpower like the United States has a...

Words: 545

Pages: 2

Benefits and Drawbacks of Communitarianism

CommunitarianismCommunitarianism is a political ideology that prioritizes the needs of society over human interests. It is a contemporary philosophy that arose from the Anglo-American academy of the twentieth century (Warburton 4). It was based on the assumption that an individual s identity is centered on relationships within the group. The...

Words: 907

Pages: 4

The Vinland Sagas

The Vinland Sagas and Norse Settlement in IcelandThe Vinland Sagas chronicle the Norse community's settlement in Iceland. It contains two texts written to try to create the pattern of the Nose voyages to Iceland's Vinland region. The Saga of the Greenlanders and The Saga of Erik the Red are two...

Words: 929

Pages: 4

Feminism in Elizabeth Bennet Character and Suppression of Women in the Society

Pride and Prejudice is a story about the Bennet family, especially Elizabeth. The tale begins at Longbourn, the Bennet family s estate, with five children: Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty, and Lydia. Mr. Bingley is a wealthy single man who is rumored to be a possible suitor for one of the...

Words: 2189

Pages: 8

The Use of Irony in “Battle Royal” By Ralph Ellison

Battle Royal: An Intriguing Tale of Social Conflict and Irony Battle Royal is an intriguing tale that has been written very well. The story tackles a number of concerns, including the social conflict that occurs between the characters, especially between whites and blacks. Social Conflict and Irony In terms of his life, the...

Words: 1152

Pages: 5

Mayhem in the Mind

literature reviews have narratives with clear messages about real-world activities or ideas. What distinguishes a community and its people is their understanding of how to serve others while still maintaining human dignity. Human behavior is due to kindness and feelings of justice because humans are more evolved species. Different people,...

Words: 1390

Pages: 6


In the community, health and social care practices play an essential role. Individuals are affected by a variety of conditions and are required to seek help. Caregivers who provide health and social care services must follow the principles of practice and understand procedures to protect their clients' well-being and safety....

Words: 1367

Pages: 5

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