Essays on Communication

A curator's proposal for a show

The main goal of the proposed curatorial exhibition is to give young female artists a platform to share their accomplishments and body of work with the public. Using artifacts that depart from the common and conventional means of communicating a message to a particular audience using the common methods of...

Words: 2480

Pages: 10

Natalia V. Osipova - a Staff Video Journalist at ‘The New York Times’

The journalist was questioned about a number of topics that are highly pertinent to current media business trends. Natalia, you are a seasoned journalist employed by The New York Times, one of the top media organizations in New York City. Would you mind providing some background on your career path? In February...

Words: 639

Pages: 3

The Nivea advert

The Advertisement from Star Now The advertisement was taken from the modeling magazine Star Now. The advertisement specifically conveys the idea of moisturizing skin. It persuades the audience that using the cream will get rid of any unpleasant body scents. The advertisement claims that those who use the lotion will probably...

Words: 325

Pages: 2

Fran Molloy – Lecturer, Journalist, Freelance Writer

Fran Molloy's Background At the moment, Fran Molloy is connected to the Sydney campuses of NYU and Fairfax Media. She works as a journalist, independent editor, and copywriter for a number of prestigious publications, such as the Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, the ABC online, and many others. Molloy, who is...

Words: 625

Pages: 3

Child achievement

Child Success and Factors Influencing Success Child success is a significant issue in education that affects students, parents, and educators. However, only a small number of people are aware of the factors that influence success (Davis, 2015). The Impact of Family Income on Child Achievement In their essay titled "Impact of Family...

Words: 1308

Pages: 5

About Samsung’s Press Release

Since the creation of Samsung's "unconfined: The Galaxy S8 Design" was centered primarily on the ideal fusion of the art, the design, the technology, and the experience, the artists were the press release's intended audience. The media was successful in reaching its audience since it captured their attention while remaining...

Words: 598

Pages: 3


A frame in sociology A frame in sociology is essentially a group of tales and stereotypes that individuals use to interpret diverse situations. The term "media framing" describes how the media might employ these elements to influence the public's perception and comprehension of a news story (Liu and Blomley). The media...

Words: 1350

Pages: 5

Public Relations

Germany's Historical Context with Public Relations With its promotional efforts on railroads and industry, Nazi Germany's employment of propaganda, and the thriving post-war industry, Germany has a long history with public relations. "ffentlichkeitsarbeit" (working for the public sphere) is a phrase used in German. According to this definition, the industry is...

Words: 1953

Pages: 8

Free Speech vs. Hate Speech

The terms "free speech" and "hate speech" are intertwined. For the vast majority of people, separating one from the other has proven to be a difficult process. This ambiguity results from the legislation' inability to define precise criteria that would have distinguished one from the other. For instance, in the...

Words: 1029

Pages: 4


According to social and communication training Assertiveness is a trait that enables people to voice their viewpoints without undermining those of others. In a way that other people do not find confrontational or offensive while maintaining their principles, an assertive person may stand their ground and fight for what they believe...

Words: 573

Pages: 3

How to provide motivation to the employees

The Importance of Personnel in Service Delivery and Business Growth The importance of personnel in the delivery of services and growth of the business is recognized by Bring You Home (BYE). As a result, the management must adopt a variety of techniques to encourage the workers to increase their output.Building a...

Words: 779

Pages: 3

Outlined Onboarding process

It is important to emphasize the enormous benefits that the onboarding process has for both firms and employees. In response to the requirement for organizational socialization, the onboarding process was developed. The main goal of the onboarding process is to make sure that new hires have access to the knowledge,...

Words: 328

Pages: 2

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