Persuasive Essays

The success of any persuasive paper is in influencing one’s target audience and explaining why some things are important and worth being investigated. As you can see from our free essay examples, persuasive writing may differ from critique reviews to those essays that deal with complex matters dealing with social problems or environmental challenges. Almost every essay sample that you may encounter will include a clear set of ideas that will range from the strongest to the less important ones. You must not forget about logic, especially if you want to persuade your readers that something you might talk about is more important than something else related to your essay.

The Spice Girls and The Riot Grrl Movement in the 90s

Cool refers to something dangerous, original, a style and always related to sex. The feminist movement has always been cool throughout history. Some of the feminist movements that represented cool in the 90s include the Riot Grrl and the spice girls among many others.  Feminists usually ascribe to girl power...

Words: 922

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The Ethnic and the Multi-Cultural Differences Have Remained to Be a Significant Problem in the US and Immersed the American People in Racism

The ethnic and multi-cultural differences and racism in the US The ethnic and the multi-cultural differences have remained to be a significant problem in the US and immersed the American people in racism. In the mid-1900s, many Americans were ignorant of embracing diversity, and as a result, they turned to discrimination...

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Comparative Analysis of the Writing Skills of the Author in Log 1, Log 2 and Log 3

The three readings (log 1, log 2 and log 3) The three readings (log 1, log 2 and log 3) depict various elements about the writing skills of the writer. Indeed, it is important to remember that there are multiple elements which should be considered in writing. In the process of...

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology

The Dominance of Technology in Our Lives The advent of technology has brought with it a situation where it is a dominant factor in our lives especially as seen with teenagers and young adults. Within the past ten years, there has been an increase in the instances of people sharing photographs...

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Gender Disparities in the Workplace

The essay “Professions for Women” by Virginia Woolf highlights some of the challenges and barriers that hinder the development of women in the workplace. The analysis reflects on the imbalance that prevails in work setting. Woolf argues that women have been expected to act timidly in the presence of male...

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How to Avoid Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a process where an individual imitates of directly copies the views and thoughts of another person without the owner's knowledge and agreement and then present it as their own done task. There are various types of plagiarism that include complete plagiarism whereby an individual imitate the whole article,...

Words: 376

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The Advantages of Religious Institutions in the United States

Like other charities, religious institutions and churches give public importance to the community.  They evangelize to the poor and those that are desperate in their societies, as well as motivating the community that will help in decreasing crimes as well as influence ethical membership in the city. According to my...

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How to Write a Children's Book

Writing a children's book Writing a children’s book is actually a difficult thing to do. It is a task that not only needs the right mind and language to communicate with the target market but also an environment that inspires one to connect with the children. Creating an inspiring environment As a fun...

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Role of Television in Child Development and Behavior

I interviewed my older sister on my TV watching experience. These are the questions and her responses that formed the basis for analysis. Me: I have some few questions for my essay on television experience as a child I would like you to help me answer. Sister: Okay, no problem. Me: How many...

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Pages: 4

Research Article on Equine Assisted Experiential Therapy

Klontz, Bradley T., et al. The effectiveness of equine-assisted experiential therapy: Results of an open clinical trial. Society Animals 15.3 (2007): 257-267.             This is a research document that outlines the efficacy of administering equine assisted experiential therapy. It describes the approach that is used in this...

Words: 2798

Pages: 11

Freedom in Kate Chopin's Story of an Hour

The Story of an Hour The story of an hour is a narrative whose author is an American known as Kate Chopin and was published on 6th Dec 1894 by Vogue. The story revolves around the reaction of the main character Louise Mallard after receiving the information that her husband was...

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Pages: 3

The Meaning of Marriage in Citadel Albee's The Zoo Story

is a play by Citadel Albee that seems timeless with some elements going back to the 1960s. There is a lot of tension between the actors and the audience in a drama that tries to reveal the idea of public and private life in marriage as people try making illusions...

Words: 391

Pages: 2

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