Essays on Politics

Choose-Train-Educate-Promote (Army Step Program)

The Army s Select-Train-Educate-Promote Policy The Army s Select-Train-Educate-Promote policy has expanded the emphasis on military specialist preparation and the rewards that can be reaped. Promoting soldiers based on the completion of separate courses is an exemplary technique to ensure continued career growth in the Army. For one to be elevated...

Words: 623

Pages: 3

The Cold War influenced American foreign policy.

Introduction Since the Second World War, the Cold War controlled America's foreign policy. It was just Britain, the United States, and its allies who supported the policy. In 1947, a United States diplomat known as George Kennan established the method. The Soviet Union was described by Kennan as a belligerent, anti-western...

Words: 670

Pages: 3

Financial Aid for the International Students

Financial Problems Faced by International Students As every other student, international students have a target of going through the educational process successfully. Nevertheless, on their path to the educational targets, they face different financial problems. In their attempt to ensure that they successfully achieve their targets, financial difficulties act as a...

Words: 574

Pages: 3

The Polarization of U.S. Presidential Campaign Supporters Owing to Their ‘Filter Bubbles’ claim testing

Introduction Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were two successful US presidential contenders in 2016. Trump is emotional and often rude, Clinton is more restrained, but also optimistic and engaged. Each nominee had his own army of admirers who wanted their candidates to win more than anything else. There were also skirmishes...

Words: 1053

Pages: 4

About Free Health Care

Free healthcare ii primarily offered by the national government, where the government offers free hospital and out-patient services for residents. The provision of free healthcare has its positives and drawbacks both for the economies of a nation and for the people provided with free healthcare (Bell, 2008). These benefits and...

Words: 919

Pages: 4

Franklin Roosevelt's President

Franklin Roosevelt and the Expansion of Presidential Powers Between 1933 and 1945, Franklin Delano Roosevelt served the longest term as president in U.S. history. He introduced a number of political and economic reforms during his time as president, which commentators consider to be the most dramatic changes in U.S. history. The...

Words: 932

Pages: 4

The embodiment of Machiavellian ideas in the current President of the United States, Donald Trump.

The Embodiment of Machiavellian Theories by Donald Trump The papers address the embodiment by current US President Donald Trump of Machiavellian theories. The phenomena written by Machiavelli, according to the articles, include a political leader with the shrewdness, the duplicity, the power, the despondency, and the competence (Hamilton 128). A Machiavellian Leader...

Words: 376

Pages: 2


The social, legal and social condition faced in France before the revolution or before 1789, when it was based on theories from the old days, was referred to as an ancient dictatorship. Peasants will be serving and giving the royal treasury their harvests. Since it was their harvest that was...

Words: 2730

Pages: 10

Declaration of Independence Discussion

Introduction It is a declaration that was adopted at a congressional meeting in Philadelphia to recognize the 13 American colonies as sovereign states that were independent of the British colony. This was at some stage in the war between the thirteen colonies and the British colony. It was written through Thomas...

Words: 1210

Pages: 5

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Don't ask, don't say is an abbreviated version of the phrase "don't ask, don't tell." In the United States, DADT is a military policy aimed at homosexuals, gays, and bisexuals. During President Bill Clinton's presidency, the program went into effect in 1994. (Belkin 107-108). Service officers were not allowed to...

Words: 1169

Pages: 5

Obama's policy

The Environmental Policy The environmental policy was one of the policies of President Obama that I agree with. The purpose of this program is to shield our world from the effects of global warming. President Obama has dramatically minimized global warming, from forging the landmark Paris climate to setting economic fuel...

Words: 618

Pages: 3


There is a long tradition of the rise of nationalist movements in the world that goes back to the 1980s. They have been turned into political parties since the inception of many nationalist activities that have achieved high levels of performance, especially in Western democracies. As seen in the 1990s,...

Words: 1844

Pages: 7

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