Essays on Management

internship and learning experience

Throughout my internship, I achieved a variety of job accomplishments. For eg, I was a hard worker who was obsessive about consistency. My guider was influenced by the essence of the work I was continually devoting toward completion. By the end of this week, I had gained my manager's confidence,...

Words: 798

Pages: 3

Types of Football Fans

In the month of October Football fans from all over Europe flock to action-packed stadiums to catch a glimpse of the action. With the demands of the Champions League, domestic competitions, and other cups, a live match can be expected every three days. Most people say that the English Premier League...

Words: 1216

Pages: 5


When two, three, or more elements are included, they are contrasted to produce a separate portrayal of problems. The classic comparison and distinction between the two texts Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi and Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston may be about two different things, but they have astonishing parallels. The...

Words: 1091

Pages: 4


The exposure to work with the group members was a satisfying one considering the opportunities I had. However, it was a difficult experience because of the problem I confronted at the beginning considering we had never gotten collectively before. A key issue that I realized interacting with my group members...

Words: 918

Pages: 4

Profile Essay

If I had to choose one expression to explain how my brother, Chris, lives his life, it would be hard work pays off. He is one of the most attentive people I know, a quality he inherited from our father as well as life experiences that illustrated the importance...

Words: 602

Pages: 3

Modern Business and Work Environments

In the modern business and work environments There is the need to set up and maintain good relationships. The wonderful relationship between employees and managers is essential in an tremendous workplace. Individuals ought to promote respect for diversity in an organization. There are a number of ways through which the administration...

Words: 609

Pages: 3

contigent liability

This is the sum of money that a company owes to outsiders only where there is an unknown future. The contingent liability effect on the company's financial reporting would depend on the incident and the exact sum to be billed. For example, a company's pending litigation could result in heavy...

Words: 2290

Pages: 9

Motivation of Employees for a diverse group

Motivation includes the psychological forces that determine the direction of an individual's level of effort and persistence within the face of challenges (Kanfer, 1990). Also, motivation is why people behave as they are doing the work . Of the 75 team members, 15 were from Asia: 10 from China and...

Words: 1244

Pages: 5

About Global Management

Global management refers to the way a company conducts its business internationally, including its auctions, marketing, usage and funding. It gathers knowledge about industry, social practices, history and values in order to support businesses to meet their capital in the global commercial community and collaborate with other cultures efficiently. This...

Words: 331

Pages: 2

Ethical Decision Making

Developing a Cultural Organization for Ethical Decision-Making It is my duty as Chief Executive Officer to help workers achieve ethical decision-making skills. It is my responsibility. The first move will be to develop a cultural organization which promotes ethical decision-making. The culture is built by the moral code of conduct that...

Words: 425

Pages: 2

social responsibility and ethics

Market ethics refers to the legal principles used to do business based on views of what is good and what is wrong and what is rational. Most business people depend on their conscience to make business choices on their own religious and moral experiences for guidance. Ethical organizations are required...

Words: 2193

Pages: 8

The Federal Government’s Powers to Tax and Spend

In the broadest sense, the ability of the US government to tax and invest impacts more Americans than the power of any other government. Any year, the state, municipal, and local governments raise billions of dollars in taxes. The United States government levies taxes on a wide variety of products,...

Words: 1460

Pages: 6

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