Essays on Management


Accreditation in Healthcare Accreditation is a globally recognized procedure for assessing the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care institutions. It is an evidence-based standard approach that results in improved quality health services as well as a safer environment. The certification method is used in at least 70 countries' health-care systems....

Words: 1404

Pages: 6

Nursing Care across a Lifespan

Ambulatory Care Nursing Ambulatory care nursing comprises providing care to people, families, groups, populations, carers, and communities throughout their lives (Bardsley, Blunt, Davies, & Dixon, 2013). Ambulatory care nursing encompasses registered nurses' organizational, professional, and clinical engagement for the aforementioned populations seeking support in improving their general well-being or seeking care...

Words: 702

Pages: 3


Collaboration must be prioritized in order for any team to prosper. Inter-professional collaboration, which increases professional creativity, is essential for healthcare providers and organizations to thrive. Quality treatment and patient happiness always emerge when physicians, nurses, and other stakeholders collaborate through effective communication tactics. This technique develops both individual and...

Words: 1072

Pages: 4

The Role of Community/Public Health Nursing and Community Partnerships

Community/public health nursing and community partnerships combine information and involvement about the entire population with clinical and personal understandings of sickness and well-being experiences of individuals and families in society. Collaboration, combining abilities, and sharing resources increase the likelihood and chances for favorable health outcomes. Because of the high cost...

Words: 757

Pages: 3

Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy used by most businesses to handle interactions with present and prospective customers (Tandon et al., 2017). As the senior project advisor for AMIR's international, I will employ the following tactics to successfully install CRM. First, I will undertake thorough planning by identifying and prioritizing...

Words: 351

Pages: 2

Questions on Management

It is worth emphasizing that an organization s success is dependent on the strategic management team s ability to develop plans that align the organization s resources with its goal and vision for the future. Furthermore, according to Wheelen, Hunger, Hoffman, and Bamford (2014), a board of directors is...

Words: 614

Pages: 3


Management Management is one of the most important roles involved with a company's success. There are several roles that management should play to guarantee that the best results are provided as specified in the company's objectives. The combination of managerial responsibilities is critical to guaranteeing the efficiency and effectiveness of a...

Words: 637

Pages: 3

Ethics, Professional Ethics and Health Care Ethics

"Ethics, Professional Ethics, and Health Care Ethics" "Ethics, Professional Ethics, and Health Care Ethics" is primarily concerned with health care ethics. It focuses on applied ethics in several health care domains, particularly health care consumer ethics, because it emphasizes that the patient has an obligation to make key ethical decisions. The...

Words: 487

Pages: 2

All health care facilities

All health care facilities are required to maintain the security and confidentiality of patient data. With the advancement of technology and data readily falling into the wrong hands, every institution should ensure that its patients' information is never accessible to a non-authorized audience. To do this, health facilities can implement...

Words: 632

Pages: 3

Chronic illness

Chronic illness remains a major public health challenge in today's health-care system. Most of individuals with chronic health sickness spend the last moments of life in and out of the hospital setting with half of those who die do so in the acute health care settings. The individual, caregivers, and...

Words: 3440

Pages: 13

Teamwork in Nursing

Collaboration is essential in every medical unit because it ensures a smooth flow of care to patients while also ensuring safety and patient satisfaction. This article is on nursing, namely collaboration and communication in the field. An appendix to the study discusses the planning of a nursing team meeting. Inadequate collaboration...

Words: 865

Pages: 4

A Framework for Ethical Decision Making Ethical dilemmas

Ethical Quandaries in Health Care Ethical quandaries are fairly widespread in health care institutions. Practitioners are forced to choose between two rights or wrongs, especially because the repercussions of both options are nearly identical. In this scenario, the practitioners are split between obeying the patient's wish and the demands of the...

Words: 963

Pages: 4

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