Essays on History

Interest in the past has existed since the beginning of the human race – your writing of a history essay confirms it. Humans themselves are historical beings – we grow, change, and evolve. History essays often explore the origins of history. Samples of essays on history teach us that the original meaning of the word ‘history” goes back to ancient Greek, meaning “investigation”, “establishment” – history was identified as the establishment of the truth about events and facts. Later this word’s meaning changed and it was perceived more as a story about the events of the past. History is one of the oldest sciences, so many essays were written about it over the years. Our ancestors appreciated history and called it “Magistra vitae” – a teacher of life. Check out our history essay samples and explore various topics on the history you can apply in your essay.

Romantic Ballet

The lecture today delved into the origins and components of romantic ballet, a dance that started in the 19th century. The lecture class concentrated on the roots of history, the reasons for its success and its debut by prominent actors. The purpose of ballet was to represent both art and...

Words: 264

Pages: 1

Military Strategy and General Douglas MacArthur’s Impact

Douglas MacArthur: Legendary Military Figure Douglas MacArthur, born in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1880, rose from the ranks of the American army to become one of the most decorated officers and legendary military figures of the twentieth century. He was born into a military family, which included a father and brothers...

Words: 1346

Pages: 5

Franklin Roosevelt's President

Franklin Roosevelt and the Expansion of Presidential Powers Between 1933 and 1945, Franklin Delano Roosevelt served the longest term as president in U.S. history. He introduced a number of political and economic reforms during his time as president, which commentators consider to be the most dramatic changes in U.S. history. The...

Words: 932

Pages: 4

World History through 5 Major Religions

The Five Principal Faiths Worldwide The five principal faiths worldwide are Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity. From the beginning of the world until today, these religions have formed the history development and profoundly impacted the human species' path. In the subsequent lines, you can read an in-depth summary of every...

Words: 653

Pages: 3

Alexander the Great and His Kingdom

Alexander the Great: Fierce Military Leader and Strategist Alexander the Great managed to sweep through Asia and eastern Europe with the fierceness of a lion and the bravery of a tiger. He was believed to have been a son of the gods. Alexandra was exceptionally clever and a military genius. His...

Words: 946

Pages: 4

Texas and the Growth of Population

Texas Population Growth: Blessing and Curse Texas is in population and square kilometers the second largest state in the USA. There are nearly 28 million people of the United States. It is in the southern part of USA, on the east side of Louisiana, and on the north side of Arkansas...

Words: 1133

Pages: 5

Colonial Ways of Life

The majority of Europeans, who were extremely poor, were able to sacrifice their entire life to escape to the American colonies, while others wanted religious freedom or political stability.The majority of those who arrived in Colonial America were young, with nearly half of them being under the age of twenty-five,...

Words: 3192

Pages: 12

Texas Constitution

Main concern components that have shaped the Texas Constitution Texas constitutional history is majorly due to its history and society over the years. In the Texas constitution before and after its independence, its government system, duties and values are expressed. Prior to the achievement of independence by Texas, it was ruled...

Words: 729

Pages: 3

The Dominican Republic.

The Dominican Republic is a Caribbean country island better known for its luxury resorts and gorgeous beaches, as well as the spot where Christopher Columbus and his men first arrived in the New World. This country is more than just resorts and beaches; its people are upbeat, enthusiastic, and positive....

Words: 1516

Pages: 6

White Tower of Thessaloniki

In the waterfront city of Thessaloniki, the capital city of Macedonia, the White Tower of Thessaloniki is a memorial and a museum. A replacement of the old Byzantine fortification that was dominant during the Ottoman Empire is the present wall. The Ottoman Empire restored the old White Tower to fortify...

Words: 695

Pages: 3

Oresteia and Thyestes

Thyestes and Oresteia Thyestes and Oresteia are two myths following one another, with the tale of Thyestes preceding the story of Oresteia. At the start of the play Pelops' sons, Atreus and Thyestes, are bloody rivals, and are addressed to the reader. The daughter of Mycenae Aerope's king is married to...

Words: 668

Pages: 3

Story of an Hour

Forbidden Joy of Independence and the Oppressiveness of Marriage Kate Chopin's The Tale of an Hour is a reflection of late-nineteenth-century customs in which most of American society retained the profoundly rooted norm that women are inferior and should therefore remain dependent on their husbands. Women were essentially supposed to cook,...

Words: 1002

Pages: 4

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