Essays on Generation

Generation X and Generation Y: The Housing Trends

This generation expects houses to be technology integrated. Therefore, the houses should have wireless home networks, and more importantly, the houses should be functioning as a unified system rather than having a separate cooling and heating, sprinkler, and entertainment system. This generation also prefers to purchase small houses that are affordable,...

Words: 912

Pages: 4

The Power of Social Media in Today's Generation

Social Media and its Impact on Society Social media revolutionized the way we communicate as a society and is the focus of a 2014 PBS documentary titled Generation Like. The video explores the power of social communities as well as the impact that they have on the development of teenagers growing...

Words: 387

Pages: 2

A Guide to Generation Z

In this age of ever- expanding and unparalleled access to technology and information incomparable differences in the attitude and perception between generations is obvious. Elizabeth Segran in her article Your Guide to Generation Z: The Frugal, Brand-Wary, Determined Anti-Millennials offers a great insight about generations Z in terms of spending...

Words: 870

Pages: 4

The Generation Gap

Admittedly, the world is experiencing a generational overhaul as people continue ageing every day. With modernization as the dominant driving force of the generational change, many aspects of life remain unsettled due to the changing preferences and traditions with each coming generation. The dawning of a new age implies that...

Words: 1780

Pages: 7

The Impact of Smartphones on Children

In the article narrated by Jean M. Twenge, she tries to persuade the audience with a few arguments as to why smartphones have destroyed today’s children. Specifically Jean states that the introduction of the iPhone in 2007, and when high schools were given the iPads in 2010, she coins that...

Words: 866

Pages: 4

The Effects of Technology on Generation Z

Over the years, human beings have always strived to make their work much easier and their lifestyles more convenient and durable through technology. Technology is any scientific procedure of method that human beings can use to make their work much more interesting, creative and efficient. Generation Z which is the...

Words: 1764

Pages: 7

The Roots of Generational Distrust

Causes of Generational Distrust There can be distrust between generations which can be caused by different factors. The social trust among the millennials is not the same as the trust they have with the older generations. There is some distrust which is evident in the between people from different generations since...

Words: 739

Pages: 3

The Five Generations in the Workplace

Generational Differences in Professional Communication Nowadays, a workplace in all industries and institutions is made up of five generations which are the traditionalists, baby boomers, generation x, millennials, and iGen. The preference in the types of professional communications used by people from the generations varies due to their experience in the...

Words: 262

Pages: 1

Generational Differences

Human generations have experienced technological evolution in recent decades which has shaped the generational differences. The rise is different generations can be grouped into traditionalist, baby boomers, Generation X and Millennial. It is, however, bets to understand the influence of technology in the rise of these different generations. We must...

Words: 387

Pages: 2

Bridging the Generational Diversity gap

A generation is defined as a group of people who are separated by age. As a result, these people grew up with similar values, attitudes, and work experiences. There are four major generations: matures (born between 1920 and 1940), boomers (born between 1940 and 1960), generation x (born between 1960...

Words: 402

Pages: 2

Video gaming analysis

In today s generation, video gaming has grown quite popular, especially among young people. The Metroid Prime video game chosen for this examination was created and published by Retro Studios in 2002 for the Nintendo Game Cube. In the video game Bounty Hunter, Samus Aran travels to the isolated planet...

Words: 629

Pages: 3

Heart Disease Inheritance

The Majority of Medical Diseases that Run in Families The majority of medical diseases that run in families are either genetic or hereditary, meaning that the differences in the genes that are frequently passed down from one generation to the next are the root cause of these conditions.Heart Diseases Passed on...

Words: 913

Pages: 4

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