Essays on Emotions

Cycle of Hope: A Journey from Paralysis to Possibility

The first clue to the plot of a story is continually the title. I have read a great number of books the place the author had to take the reader deep into twenty pages of reading to realize what the e book was about. Tricia Downing on the other hand...

Words: 583

Pages: 3

Concept of Happiness by John Stuart Mill and Immanuel Kant

The Prominent Moral Philosophers: John Stuart Mill and Immanuel Kant The prominent moral philosophers are John Stuart Mill and Immanuel Kant. While they were around the same time metaphysical, they included different principles of happiness and ethics. Kant had faith in duty ethics and good will. In contrast with his mission...

Words: 1492

Pages: 6

Identity in the Kite Runner

Identity is a special and complicated character of an organism that is usually affected by a variety of influences as one develops and moves from one goal to another, and ambition to aspiration. What distinguishes one's personality is mainly one's history, memories, and family, among other things. In an ideal...

Words: 1274

Pages: 5

You Foolish Men by Sor Juana

The Stupid Men is Sor Juana's poem. Juana writes a poem about men who do not see women's beauty and decency. Juana indicates clearly that men should stop accusing or disciplining women because they are also at fault. The poem asks Juana, "Who else can do wrong? Though who is...

Words: 340

Pages: 2

What is plagiarism

Honesty is the policy of all types of work offered by scholars, academics, and professors at the College of DuPage and around the world. Cheating is one example of violating an institution's academic code of ethics, and it may result in drastic consequences, including expulsion from school. As a result,...

Words: 1257

Pages: 5

The Wrong Way to Get People to Do the Right Thing

The Influence of Incentives on Prosocial Behavior Since time immemorial, the subject of aid has resided with mankind. The encouragement to give a hand for any successful course, however, remained divisive. Alfie's thesis on the wrong way to get people to do the right thing provides insight into the mind of...

Words: 616

Pages: 3

Coronavirus Outbreak impact on healthcare system

Completing a COVID 19 article necessitates extensive study and the use of actual evidence. There is no evidence that the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has had a major effect on human life all over the world, as well as many businesses. Although the direct effect of coronavirus is severe and...

Words: 773

Pages: 3

An Act of Kindness

In my culture, the wisdom for a growing child is to be noble and supportive In my culture, the wisdom for a growing child is to be noble and supportive when interacting with others in society, regardless of whether they are peers, families, or outsiders. An example that is often used...

Words: 853

Pages: 4

The book Influence: The psychology of Persuasion by Cialdini was first published in 1984.

The book Influence: Persuasion's Psychology by Cialdini was first published in 1984. Cialdini cites several psychological studies where multiple variables are evaluated to assess their ability to affect decision-making by individuals. Not only are the discussions highly instructive with regard to the power of influence, but they also provide fascinating...

Words: 1426

Pages: 6

Gratitude Being a Burden, Humbling and Empowering

My childhood has little to do with my biological father or mother's affection, having been born and rejected by both parents when I was a toddler, adopted by a local orphanage, and raised along with other absolute orphans. I realized that the world was a cruel place as I got...

Words: 736

Pages: 3

Importance of Laughter

Laughter as Medicine Laughter stays to be one of the strongest medicine. Laughter unites people in a special way that triggers an emotional and physical exchange in the human body. Laughter protects an individual from the damaging impact of stress, diminishes pain, boosts temper and strengthens the immune system. When we...

Words: 659

Pages: 3

Texting and Driving

The invention of the mobile phone was a wonderful accomplishment for mankind, but sadly it can be risky, if not used safely. When behind the wheel of a motor car, any practical use of a mobile phone has proved to be a dangerous diversion. Texting while driving is a deadly...

Words: 1487

Pages: 6

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