Essays on Culture

As you go about writing your culture essay you can discover so much about yourself, your country, and your people. Culture plays a huge role in the development of the world’s civilization, as well as in the life of every person. The influence that it has on personal growth cannot be overemphasized. The cultural environment shapes the development of a person's thoughts, spiritual world, life principles, and behavior. Culture is essentially everything that is created by mankind throughout the entire history of human existence as a result of human thought and imagination. Writing essays, especially essays on culture is a very common way to learn and explore differences between nations, as different culture essays can provide invaluable insight into other people’s life. You can refer to our best culture essay samples below for inspiration for your essay!

Representation of Racism in Black-ish

Over the past five years, Black-ish has become a famous comedy watched by families around the world. From a satirical perspective, the show depicts elements of social values, families, money, and life. Black-ish has received a significant amount of backlash, especially in the areas of race and culture, despite its...

Words: 2258

Pages: 9

Religious Family Tradition

In the preceding years It has been a family tradition to attend New Years Eve celebrations in our local church. Since I used to be young, our parents made it mandatory for the whole household to participate in the service as we usher in the New Year. A Reggae Concert to Usher...

Words: 609

Pages: 3

The Milk Maid by Johannes Vermeer

The Milk Maid is a painting done by Johannes Vermeer . It is one of the most influential paintings done by Johannes Vermeer and was inspired by his era and their tradition. Portrayed in the background of the painting is the foot warmer which is a perfect replication of what...

Words: 1025

Pages: 4

Changes in the Gender Roles of Women in West Africa Over Time

West African Women: Changing Roles and Responsibilities West Africa has various societies inhabited in countries with various geographies, social customs, religions, and historical circumstances. Irrespective of these variations, it is possible to examine the ties between women in these societies while juxtaposing the changes that have belimped in their roles over...

Words: 1689

Pages: 7

The Tattooer Book

The Tattooer The book The Tattooer reveals a lot about the position of art in the Japanese culture. The tattooer likes the way he creates tattoos due to the fact every drawing or tattoo is intended to communicate sure information inside the Japanese society. The book brings a photograph of...

Words: 938

Pages: 4


The Guggenheim Museum is an artwork museum located in New York City and was established by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation in 1939. The building that homes this museum was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and is perceived as the temple of spirits. The Guggenheim 9 exclusive collections all combined...

Words: 792

Pages: 3

Juvenile Delinquency

A status offense and its impact on juvenile delinquents A status offense is described in juvenile law as an act committed by a minor that would not be deemed a crime if committed by an adult. Truancy, running away from home or from a parent, possession, and ingestion of alcohol or...

Words: 446

Pages: 2

The American Samoa Gender Dance: Patriarchal Society

Today's Lecture on American Samoa Today's lecture concentrated on American Samoa, its beliefs and customs. Despite the fact that both are American communities, it was all about the community led by men and how it varies from ours. The lesson considered the way dance is defined by culture and how the...

Words: 407

Pages: 2

Assessment and Reflection Paper on Cultural Competencies

From the outset of my class until today, my multicultural experience has been substantially enhanced and transformed. In this regard I am willing, in order to communicate and connect effectively, to enhance my understanding of the value or significance of multicultural awareness. In terms of multicultural surroundings, these advantages include...

Words: 2564

Pages: 10

Get Lite Dance

My Ten-Hour Carrier Learning Project at Friendly House After my ten-hour carrier learning project at Friendly House in Worcester, I learned a lot about the community service, food pantry, immigration service, and after school programs. In this paper, I reflect on the matters I achieved during this service learning, as expected...

Words: 402

Pages: 2

The significances of red envelopes: Promises and lies at a Singaporean Chinese funeral

The meanings of red envelopes: Promises and lies at a Singaporean Chinese funeral The article The meanings of red envelopes: Promises and lies at a Singaporean Chinese funeral written by Ruth E. Toulson, revolves around a large question: Why do red envelopes appear at Singaporean Chinese funerals? The creator...

Words: 1325

Pages: 5

Diwali, india

Diwali: The Festival of Lights Diwali is only one of the many festivals celebrated in India. Diwali, or the Festival of Lights, is one of the most highly celebrated festivals in the world, both among Hindus and people of other faiths. Since it is synonymous with folklore, the festival has long...

Words: 395

Pages: 2

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