Essays on Communication

Training on cultural competence

With the ever-changing demographics that have become visible globally, cultural competence has become an essential aspect in the creation and establishment of a conducive working environment, with this paper thus providing a scope on what cultural competency is, understanding cultural competency, reasons why organizations are embracing cultural competency, and benefits...

Words: 2257

Pages: 9

Becoming Less Connected Through Connection

The spoken word and its evolution The spoken word has been under threat of imperialism since the dawn of time. Even before our ancestors evolved and became acquainted with the language, they used pictures to communicate, and then sophisticated minds developed that we're able to communicate using words from all over...

Words: 1390

Pages: 6

a big lie

It was only later that I realized it was all a huge lie. For all those years, I thought he was gone for good. I knew at the back of my mind that we would never see each other again. As a result, I spent those months weeping alone in my...

Words: 1699

Pages: 7

Poem Analysis: To His Importunate Mistress and To His Coy Mistress

Peter de Vries wrote the poem "To His Importunate Mistress" in 1681. It's essentially a parody of Andrew Marvel's "To His Coy Mistress." To convey his message, the author employs a range of styles such as hyperbole, sarcasm, and diction. This poem reflects on myths such as valuing wealth above...

Words: 1604

Pages: 6

promoting an agenda using rhetorical technique

A rhetorical question A rhetorical question is a figure of speech in which a speaker asks questions without intending to be answered. When addressing an audience, a speaker will phrase these questions in a variety of ways. A speaker's intentions to the listeners can vary depending on the rhetorical strategy used...

Words: 540

Pages: 2

Eternal life is a great promise of immortality

While Eternal existence is a great promise of immortality the question as to whether people should lose themselves or not from the physical and ethical world in order to be immortal pose a great dilemma. Of course in order to be reincarnated in eternity people have to go away from...

Words: 1149

Pages: 5

Live or Lip-Synch

"Not Live" is an article by Teresa Wiltz and Greg Kot that sheds light on the trendy use of pre-recorded sound, backtracks, and electronic upgrades by artists during live performances. According to Wiltz and Kot (1998), lip-syncing and pre-recorded voices replaced the beautiful live music concerts that were popular with the singers...

Words: 555

Pages: 3

Nonverbal Cues Used in the Movie Clip

Non-verbal communication is a type of communication that uses facial expression, eye contact, and vocal characteristics to convey information. It's still hard for most people to connect without using non-verbal cues. Such hints allow the interlocutors to decide the truth of their language and the true emotions that cannot be...

Words: 712

Pages: 3

State Government - Pressure Groups

Organizations and Interest Groups Organizations that derive particular benefits by lobbyists from arms of government or politically associated organizations are referred to as interest groups (Interest Groups and State Politics. n.d.). Trade organizations, identity support organizations, public safety groups, global warming groups, and small companies are all examples of interest groups. The...

Words: 346

Pages: 2

Global Connections are Increasing

The world has been integrating into a common area since ancient times. The level of economic, social, and geographic integration seen today was unheard of many years ago. Several factors have played a key role in ensuring that the story of global connectivity continues to improve, bringing individuals, goods, and...

Words: 901

Pages: 4

Descriptive Writing

I used to love going on trips with my friends when I was younger. Staying at home and doing the same old tasks was always tedious, and I yearned for an opportunity to get out of the house and do something different. Unfortunately, those chances were few and far between....

Words: 1902

Pages: 7

Negative Effects of Social Media on Teenagers

A increasing problem for most parents and other stakeholders is the effect of social media on adolescents. Of particular interest is the increasing impact of social media on adolescents. This is partially due to the fact that they contribute to adolescent growth and can also be a source of adolescent...

Words: 422

Pages: 2

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