Richard Branson's Leadership Style Richard Branson stands out among the most effective leaders in the present age. His leadership charisma, innovativeness, and interpersonal strategies seem to inspire growth and effectiveness in a business. Richard Branson started as an entrepreneur of a small magazine production, and later grew into a well-established entrepreneur...
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Job satisfaction can simply be defined as a feeling of contentment and accomplishment that an individual springs from his/her place of work. There are various facets that can make an individual be contented or not in the workplace and this greatly determines their performance, which is a great contributor to...
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Both pro-social and antisocial behaviors are voluntary actions, but the former is intended to benefit another person or group of people, while the latter seeks to harm or disadvantage another individual or group (Hyde, Shaw, " Moilanen, 2010). This discussion describes prosocial and antisocial behaviors depicted in two advertisements and...
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Transformational leaders positively impact job satisfaction and commitment of employees in an organization (Ali " Farid, 2016). In this perspective, I agree with you that transformational leaders can be the predictors of job satisfaction among employees. Ideally, transformation leaders apply qualities such as leading as an example, giving a positive...
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Nominal scales of measurement are used for labeling variables that do not have quantitative values. In other words, nominal scales are ‘labels’ for mutually exclusive variables that do not have numerical significance (Whitley, 1992). The following are some of the examples of nominal scales: What is your gender? o Male o...
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Marketing is a way of appealing to and satisfying the customer needs through advertising so as to increase the sales. Psychological research shows that most people, without regard to demographics, tend to make impulse buying of goods depending on the kind of method used to advertize. Marketers capitalize on strategies...
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Mischel, W. (2014). The marshmallow test: understanding self-control and how to master it. Random House. Hypothesis The primary hypothesis in this study focuses on the fact that delayed gratification is a concept that one can learn if they change the way they think about a situation or habit. The null hypothesis involves...
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Deciding: Direct vs. Indirect Decision-Making Deciding has always been the most critical part of determining a good deed from a bad one. Arguments on such ends have always been controversial but, authors including Keer et al. (2010) and Ormrod (2004) have conceptualized the ideal ways of deciding. Direct Decision-Making According to Keer et...
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The article reports that the effect of chronic stress on social decisions According to Ceccato et al. (2018), there were cognitive effects of chronic stress on decision making which had not been investigated. As a result, Ceccato et al. (2018) deem it essential in studying the impacts of stress on...
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Classical Test Theory (CTT) and Item Response Theory (IRT) are among the most popular frameworks for assessing measurement problems. In both perspectives, the critical issues explored include the characteristics of a person, and an analysis of the abilities which influence the results of educational and psychological tests through identification of...
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In my view, leaders’ understanding of the employees’ culture and identity is crucial in implementing organization vision and influencing the employees’ commitment to the said vision. Transformational leadership style affects positively managers’ understanding of the employees’ culture since it serves to enhance morale of the followers through a set of...
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If market forces of supply and demand are directly dependent on consumer behavior; then there is need to understand human personality in entirety, before linking the same to consumer habits in the markets. On the one hand, behavior has been defined as all individual traits that make someone unique, while...
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