Essays on Business

A business essay should reflect your knowledge and understanding of the business world, its tendencies, terminology, and development. The business has been around since even before the invention of money – it existed in a form of trade. Business is also one of the main reasons why people left their native countries and ventured out into the world. Modern-day business is also not commonly contained within a single country, but shifts towards a more global scale, making the writing of Business essays ever so complex and demanding. Our Business essay samples will surely help you with an understanding of contemporary business. However, when essays on Business consume more time than you can spare, we are here to lighten the load.


When workers participate in emotional labor, they control their emotions in order to fulfill the company's goals as well as its priorities. Recent research on emotional labor has all contributed to closing the gap created by the neglect of emotional labor impacts on the efficacy of educators, especially in higher...

Words: 2432

Pages: 9

unethical business behavior

Unethical Corporate ActivityUnethical corporate activity costs a company's or business's reputation as well as earnings a lot of money. One of the most common causes of company failure is unethical behavior. This study focuses on five basic unethical business behavior problems. In this section, we will classify, explain, and provide...

Words: 863

Pages: 4

plan for contingency

A contingency is any unanticipated or unplanned occurrence that might or might not occur throughout the future. It is an occurrence that is normally outside the organization's reach and can have an effect on its organizational operations as well as other procedures. The most important realization of disaster preparation is the...

Words: 626

Pages: 3

marketing mix

A marketing mix A marketing mix is a set of strategies used by businesses to accomplish their marketing goals in a specific region. It is made up of the seven Ps of marketing: product, price, advertising, location, individuals, method, and physical proof (Siguaw & Judy A, 129-133). This discussion would go...

Words: 777

Pages: 3

repayment of loan

If I were in the same position as Figg and Koellmann, I would stop making mortgage payments, default on the loan, and walk away from the home. The element I would consider is closely similar to the one considered by Figg. Fluctuating home rates would imply that I am paying...

Words: 1307

Pages: 5

Low- Cost Country Sourcing (LCCS)

Low-Cost Country Sourcing (LCCS) Low-Cost Country Sourcing (LCCS) is a multinational sourcing practice that has dominated the corporate landscape over the last few decades. Using international companies with lower wages to manufacture industrial resources is an excellent way to cut operating costs. The shift to low-cost country procurement was primarily motivated...

Words: 1143

Pages: 5

toys inc. case study

Managers and their Roles Managers of companies and organizations have specific roles such as being a good leader, a good communicator, an effective or recommendable negotiator, a setter of objectives, a person responsible for reinforcing missions of organizations, an organizer of business operations, and finally, a motivator who helps other employees...

Words: 1815

Pages: 7

about tech tools

The advancement of communication systems, along with competitive globalization, has resulted in the proliferation of various information and communication technology applications. Furthermore, the provision of dependable internet services, as well as subsequent technical advances, have influenced the growth of these applications. Organizations often use technologies to gain knowledge in order...

Words: 981

Pages: 4

research on amazon

This study focuses on Amazon s brand audit in the United States and around the world. The audit would concentrate on five main topics in the organization s marketing strategy. The key issues include a situation analysis in which I will discuss the 3CS of marketing in relation to the...

Words: 1968

Pages: 8

about adrenaline air sports

Billy Cockerel: The Beginnings Billy Cockerel loved parachuting from the first time he tried it as a birthday present from his uncle. In 1999, he established Adrenaline Air Sports and rented a drop site from Joe Borgess, which included a hangar, an office, and a landing strip. He purchased the plane...

Words: 339

Pages: 2

Customer relationship management (CRM)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Customer relationship management (CRM) refers to the techniques and methodologies that companies use to handle their customer relationships in a structured manner. Customer experience management, according to Mandic (2011), focuses on the customer and their happiness and maintains that all operations in an organization are oriented toward...

Words: 1017

Pages: 4

china reward and performance system

Human Resource Management in Multinational Corporations Human resource management is important for all multinational corporations. This is due to the high prices associated with individuals who are not engaged in any commercial practice. Human resource management is critical because it enables organizations to weigh the gains and disadvantages of their operations....

Words: 1379

Pages: 6

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