Essays on Anthropology

Review on Africanist Archaeology and Ancient IQ: Racial Science and Cultural Evolution in the Twenty-First Century

This article is a research work on African Archaeology and Ancient IQ by Scott MacEachern, an associate professor of anthropology at Bowdoin College. Regarding Scott's primary research interests, he investigates the connection between human evolution in Africa and assertions that the continent has low average IQ scores. Philippe Rushton and...

Words: 789

Pages: 3

Johannes Fabian's How Others Die and Thomas Liqueur's The Deep Time of the Dead

Speaking for others is a concept that Johannes Fabian discusses in his research at the Amsterdam School of Social Research in the Netherlands. He goes over a number of anthropology-related ideas (Fabian 91). He scrutinizes the narrative of his early and current past while doing so. In this comparison, he...

Words: 660

Pages: 3

About Childhood Obesity

Deborah Edward interviews experts from a variety of fields for her piece, including history, anthropology, education, and cultural resource management (Edwards-Anderson, 2016). The article's multidisciplinary applications paint a detailed picture of the Dakota community and the war between the US and the Dakotas. The Dakota people historically focused mostly on...

Words: 702

Pages: 3

The Global Situation Summary

Anna Tsin's Essay: The Global Situation Anna Tsin's essay "The Global Situation" illustrates a globalization perspective that focuses on the study of national and regional units and their potential to influence international interconnectivity.Examining the Phenomenon of Globalization Tsin explains how the sensation of globalization has driven social scientists and anthropologists to concentrate...

Words: 931

Pages: 4

personhood and sex

Our view of sexuality and personhood has been influenced by a variety of viewpoints. However, the anthropological view seems to have dominated our perception of sexuality and personhood. This is due to the fact that anthropology allows one to track the origin and progression of sexuality as well as personhood....

Words: 2342

Pages: 9

Archaeology and Biological Anthropology

Both modern humans inhabiting various parts of the globe are members of the genus Homo and the species Sapiens, hence the term Homo sapiens. Homo sapiens arose in Africa after the rapid climatic shifts that happened over 200, 000 years ago. They, like early humans, lived in unstable weather environments...

Words: 1741

Pages: 7

Medical Anthropology

Introduction Lockhart (2002) explores the possible routes of HIV infection in Tanzanian urban street boys. The thesis is being undertaken to put into context the avenues suggested by AIDS researchers to deal with survival sex in East and Central Africa. Most specifically, the report looks at street boys' reproductive networks, sexual...

Words: 1284

Pages: 5

Anthropology – Is Female Circumcision a Human Rights Violation or a Treasured Cultural Tradition?

Immigrants to Western Countries and Female Circumcision Immigrants to Western countries (for example, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and the United States) will choose to continue this practice. How do these countries deal with this issue? Should we, for example, put an end to the practice or make it safer? Should...

Words: 1279

Pages: 5


According to Christian Wasson, the article s editor, design anthropology aids in representing anthropologists activities as they work with team members and designers from other disciplines. As a consequence, these activities lead to the growth of innovative product concepts. The anthropologists contributions are mostly seen in the ethnographic...

Words: 878

Pages: 4

The Origins and Ideology of Social Darwinism

The origins and ideology of social Darwinism are discussed in this article. In addition, I discuss some of the criticisms of this theory. What are the main problems with social Darwinism? How can the insights of the natural sciences be combined with those of the social sciences? And finally, how...

Words: 1058

Pages: 4

Linguistic Anthropology

The Fields of Anthropology The fields of anthropology encompass linguistic anthropology, which deals with the communication technique in human beings, cultural anthropology whose primary focus is gaining knowledge of the culture of different corporations of people within the society, and organic anthropology, which deals with non-cultural aspects as these of monkeys....

Words: 758

Pages: 3

Applied Anthropology Principles

Applied Anthropology: Roles and Importance Applied anthropology refers to realistic ways of identifying, assessing and solving cutting-edge social issues through the software of anthropological methods, perspectives and data. From Erve Chambers’ suggestion, applied anthropology worries with anthropological knowledge and how the knowledge is utilized past people’s cultures worldwide. Erve’s classified the...

Words: 352

Pages: 2

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