Problematic Smartphone Use

Predictors and/or Outcomes of Problematic Smartphone Use The advancement in mobile technology has led to the introduction of smartphones which can be described as more comprehensive and offer additional uses. Besides making phone calls and messaging, the smartphones offer access to the internet, sites of social networking and other numerous mobile...

Words: 1747

Pages: 7

Producers and Usages of Smartphones

Modern society has made substantial expenditures in technology. One of the most widely used devices in personal use is the smartphone. It has evolved to take the place of many gadgets in people's lives. The smartphone can now effectively do the tasks once carried out by calculators, calendars, clocks, alarm...

Words: 3004

Pages: 11

Ethnography of a Smart Phone

Technology as an Essential Componen Technology can be seen as an essential component of people s daily activities because it has made most complicated jobs that people perform simpler. ICT has undergone significant advancements, and communication procedures have been streamlined and made more practical. These days, it is simpler for individuals...

Words: 2958

Pages: 11

About Small Business Management

I've always wanted to start my own business, and I mostly envision doing it in the technology sector. If I had the means and the opportunity, I would make a game app for smartphone users. The software would allow users to download a collection of different games all at once....

Words: 948

Pages: 4

a transmittal letter

There is an increased demand for internet in the world, which can be attributed to the increased usage of smartphones, personal computers, and cyber cafes, which mainly use routers to provide internet to customers through their phones or personal computers, as well as devices present in the cyber café. This...

Words: 2488

Pages: 10

Current Economic Event

Reasons for Long Waiting Lines for the iPhone 7 One of the reasons there were long lines for consumers wanting to purchase the iPhone 7 in late 2016 and early 2017 was that demand outstripped availability. As a result, through pre-ordering the items, the majority of consumers left the product stores...

Words: 615

Pages: 3

In the past decade, Microsoft steered its mission of impacting the world through computer technology

Microsoft's mission and expansion Microsoft's mission of impacting the world through computer technology has shifted in the last decade to another level of developing personal computers (PC). Unlike in previous years, when Microsoft concentrated exclusively on the production of operating systems and applications, it has now extended into the development of...

Words: 1327

Pages: 5

smartphones importance

Smartphones are cell phones that deliver modern technology with comparable functionality to personal computers. Whereas smartphones can provide a streamlined environment for application developers, they act as a full operating system program. These systems provide sophisticated functionality such as instant messaging, e-mail, internet, and not limited to built-in keyboards. With...

Words: 1498

Pages: 6

Lives of the Young Generation Influenced by instagram

Teenagers are now brought up in a time of many technical developments, such as the emergency of the Internet and mobile devices. A higher proportion of adolescents had no idea what life was like before social media came into being. As a result of these advancements, a higher percentage of...

Words: 3672

Pages: 14

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