As mobile devices turn to be a significant part of human's daily activities, the use of cell phones in school is becoming increasingly controversial. Even students in high school own themselves cell phones. Also, over 94% of high school students want the freedom of using their mobile phones in school...
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Smart technology and job creation Smart technology is not a destroyer but a creator of jobs. Many people opposed to technology reason that automating processes in industries will replace the need for humans with computers. Computers have replaced blue collar jobs in areas such as car assembly plants, telephone receptionists and...
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Most creative people in history had their life organized around their work, but not their days.This is a paradox deemed true since they centered their life on their work but they did not have deadlines on when a job should be done. Take Einstein, for example, and he would doze...
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Academic Research and Source Evaluation Academic research primarily focuses on reputable websites, books, journals, articles, and peer-reviewed journals for reference. Sometimes, depending on the course of study, other official materials such as policy documents, conference and government papers are used for research. Also, non-academic sources such as social media feeds, blogs,...
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The Consequences of Innovations The consequences of innovations are the main subject matter of this chapter. These are the changes which take place on a person or a social system when there is either an adoption of an innovation or a rejection of the same. Diffusion researchers have not been giving...
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A Larger Vocabulary and its Importance A larger vocabulary is not only essential for the foundation of comprehension but also improves all areas of communication; thus writing, reading, speaking, and listening. One should never hesitate to expand his or her vocabulary because it can be a source of pride, and heritage...
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Sherman Alexie's Critical Writing Style As a contemporary America writer, Sherman Alexie has been famous for his critical writing style especially for the use of humor. A majority of his works evoke contemplations and sadness regarding the issues affecting the modern life. This trend is replicated in one of his poems...
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The Impact of the Internet on Students' Critical Thinking Skills The latest years have seen great improvements and developments in the technological field with the invention of various software and hardware like phones and laptops with updated technology. The invention of the internet is a big part of this technology. It...
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Android was introduced by Google as an operating system. IPhone has the IOS. IOS is a custom made operating system that is used on apple products whereas Android operating system is used in other devices by different mobile manufacturers. This then brings into light the first argument on why android is...
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New technology is collectively the material and immaterial entities created through the application of both physical and mental effort to archive positive value. They include sophisticated tools and machines that could be used to resolve real-world complications and problems. New technology includes complex machines such as computers, robots among others...
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Pages: 9
Food is a fundamental aspect of any particular culture and transitions arising in food culture could show alterations in a society’s cultural environment. This study’s main purpose is to comprehend and understand foods and pop-culture and the behavior of American consumers concerning the ethnic food and sub-continental foodstuffs in the...
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The world has in the recent past experienced the spread of English as the language of communication and therefore earning itself the title of a global language. The spread of the English language has however stimulated interesting and controversial debate about the status and varieties of English which are commonly...
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