Essays on Politics

‘CNN 2016 Election Night Coverage’

CNN 2016 Election Night Coverage CNN 2016 Election Night Coverage was CNN’s coverage of the 2016 US general elections, which included the presidential election. With the assistance of other CNN correspondent journalists based in several American states, including Georgia, Carolina, Kentucky, and other states, the program was anchored by Van Jones,...

Words: 489

Pages: 2

International Relations

The dominant theories of international relations give too much weight to the incorrect actors, which has affected their understanding of and ability to explain current events. People are travelling more easily across borders due to increased economic and infrastructure integration, and as a result, if trouble starts in one location,...

Words: 1179

Pages: 5

The High Cost of Healthcare

The US's $3 trillion healthcare sector makes up the majority of the nation's financial budget. The idea that health insurance firms shoulder financial burdens on behalf of the American people is misunderstood, at best, as the high cost of care merely suggests that the nation pays too much for health...

Words: 798

Pages: 3


The biggest persistent problem with US foreign policy today is North Korea's unrelenting pursuit of its nuclear programs, which it does with complete disdain for global security. In essence, because historically America has never established diplomatic relations with North Korea, mediation talks do not currently have a platform, and armament...

Words: 2977

Pages: 11

The Historical Evolution of United States Foreign Policy

Foreign policies are tactics used by a government in its interactions with foreign countries. Treaties between governments, commercial agreements, and declarations of war are all examples of foreign policies. Foreign policies establish the terms of the relationships between various countries and enable peaceful cohabitation. When deciding on their foreign policy,...

Words: 2042

Pages: 8

independent voters

Independent voters were believed to be a phantom before surveys were used in study. Political independents' effects were neither investigated nor comprehended. It was often believed that men would vote for individuals above political parties. Independent voters were assumed to support the beliefs of the party they claimed to lean...

Words: 4733

Pages: 18

Concealed Gun Carry

Pro-gun Advocates and Concealed Carry Pro-gun advocates believe that as law-abiding citizens, people should have the freedom to own, transport, and use handguns. The act of carrying a gun covertly or openly, either on one's person or at close range, is known as concealed gun carry. There are carry concealed weapon...

Words: 601

Pages: 3

Realism and Causes of Conflict in the International System

Richard Betts expresses concern about the persistent issues confronting international security. Other scholars (both classic and contemporary) have also investigated the relationship between reality and conflict, or the absence thereof. Indeed, realism has been recognized as the dominant school of thinking in the subject of international relations at times. In...

Words: 2255

Pages: 9

International Development and Organizations

The presence and scope of internal organizations (IO) extend across the globe, where it plays an important role in global affairs. At the moment, at least 238 of these organizations are working on every potential topic around the world. International organizations have a key role in humanitarian crises, financial meltdowns,...

Words: 1911

Pages: 7

U.S. Healthcare Federalism

The Role of the Executive Branch in Women's Health Care The executive branch, which is both accountable and objective, makes a considerable contribution to the development of health-care policies in the United States. The branch has several entities that provide a wealth of expertise and understanding of both social and health...

Words: 808

Pages: 3

The First World War

The First World War arose for a variety of reasons, some of which have been highlighted by political analysts. Some say it was because of Germany's ambition to control Europe; others say it was because of rivalry between European nations; and still others say it was because of the formation...

Words: 658

Pages: 3

International Political Economy

International political economy (IPE) is a rapidly developing social science field. This field contributes to a better understanding of global and international issues by employing an eclectic, interdisciplinary approach that employs analytical and theoretical approaches (Oatley 59). The IPE's expansion is based on the breakdown of existing disciplinary boundaries between...

Words: 1715

Pages: 7

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