‘CNN 2016 Election Night Coverage’

CNN 2016 Election Night Coverage

CNN 2016 Election Night Coverage was CNN’s coverage of the 2016 US general elections, which included the presidential election. With the assistance of other CNN correspondent journalists based in several American states, including Georgia, Carolina, Kentucky, and other states, the program was anchored by Van Jones, a well-known CNN journalist from the United States. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, two well-known contenders for president, were featured in the news as they competed to see who could dominate the electorate and win the required number of electoral votes. Most important noting is that the coverage was streaming live in CNN to reflect the current political situation in different states in real-time as Americans took part in exercising their democratic right and marking one of the most important dates in their calendar.

In its progress

The coverage analyzed the candidates’ capabilities and strengths to presidency based on previous polls and information from other sources which demonstrated Clinton’s increasing confidence to clinging to the top state position as far as electoral vote was concerned.

CNN 2016 Election Night Coverage

lasted for seven hours up until when the independent electoral body finalized the election tally in all the states, announced the winner, and the final speeches of both contestants were made. Donald trump was declared the president-elect having surpassed the recommended threshold of 270 college vote while Clinton became second.<\/p>

Question two

The political process is one critical subject that defines a state and nation and pools interests from diverse groups of people. The process is free to criticism and guarantees this by offering a democratic right for criticism. This is evident from numerous opinions from media panelist who continually give their viewpoints as coverage continues.


, the role of the media on politics is very clear. More often, the media has been used to achieve political ends and especially for the government (Paletz, 2002). This is evident from the popularized notion by the media of Clinton’s popularity that almost brainwashed every American that Clinton was on the win due to her popular vote. To the huge disappointment, the popular media view was overturned by the final vote on the ballot which contrary to the expectations, Donald trump made it to presidency.

Question three

Yes, I think the news covered were significant and important to political process in the United States. Despite the media being the major government instrument in achieving its political ends, its coverage and CNN 2016 Election Night Coverage in particular was very important in educating, informing, and generating better understanding to the masses of the electoral process and the general political situation through analysis and commentaries from the panelists as well as from the audio visual coverage (Kellner, 2003).


Kellner, D. (2003). Media culture: Cultural studies, identity and politics between the modern and the post-modern. Routledge.

Paletz, D. L. (2002). The media in American politics: Contents and consequences. Pearson College Division.


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