Essays on Management

Evolution of Business Ethics

The acceptance of business ethics as an area of education in America has progressed over many phases. Before the 1960s, the Catholic and Protestant churches were obsessed with ethical questions of industry. They were more concerned with labor standards, equal pay, workplace rights, and the working conditions of the team...

Words: 389

Pages: 2

Ethical Dilemma

Ethics in the industry Especially in accounting, ethics in the industry is primarily concerned with making moral decisions about not only the preparation of financial statements but also its presentation and disclosure (Cantrell and Lucas).Major obligation to the public It is important to recognize that people in the accounting industry have a...

Words: 723

Pages: 3

Purpose for investigating, including the location, the branch, and general nature of the problems

The investigation was conducted to determine the causes of employee and consumer turnover, decreased productivity levels, and client concerns at the Phoenix Advertising Agency's Roanoke, Virginia branch. The inquiry was necessary because Phoenix Advertising's performance is heavily reliant on the services provided to clients at the Roanoke branch. Employees in...

Words: 2815

Pages: 11

employee rights

I will counsel the manager on employee rights and the principle of defensive coordinated action, which prevents the employee from harassment by the employer for a specific problem (Brown, 2016). I will thus advise the boss about the consequences of wrongfully terminating the employee and how this would adversely affect...

Words: 383

Pages: 2

Control in an Age of Empowerment

The Need for Balance: Control in an Age of Empowerment The essay addresses corporate policy in regards to workforce control and empowerment. It has always been critical for companies to ensure that creativity is an integral part of their operations. However, research suggests that unbridled empowerment in an enterprise will lead...

Words: 639

Pages: 3

Phoenix Advertising Agency Brief Background

The corporation is an advertisement firm with many divisions. One of these branches is the Roanoke Branch in Virginia. Banks, insurance agencies, and supermarket chains are among the company's customers. Gregory S. Forest (Company Director) and Malinda Gordish are the top management for this task (Vice President of the Human Resource Management). The...

Words: 2987

Pages: 11

The Augustus of Primaporta

The Augustus of Prima Porta statueThe Augustus of Prima Porta statue was unveiled for the first time in 1863. It is now on display in the Vatican Museum of History and Sculpture (Holliday, 2015). Viewing the bronze enlightens the viewer on traditional art and politics. It also resembles Doryphoros of...

Words: 1354

Pages: 5

the effects of ads

Incorrect Advertising Campaign Methods: Consequences Advertisements are well-planned, tested, and well-outlined methods of introducing new or emerging goods into the market (Morgan, 2012, p.115). Advertising will be achieved on both new and current goods and labels. There are many types of ads, the most common of which are audio and visual....

Words: 1636

Pages: 6

The Pricing of Audit Services: Evidence from Kuwait

Audit provider pricing has become a hot subject in global industry forums. In Kuwait, in particular, a significant amount of audit pricing research has been conducted, as well as a number of publications on the topic (Al-Harshani and Meshari 685). Much attention has been paid to the primary factors that...

Words: 2649

Pages: 10

The Relationship Between Firm Characteristics and Corporate Financial Disclosures in UAE Firms

This paper presents observational observations on the impact of business unique characteristics on corporation financial disclosures in the UAE. In all, 154 businesses, both listed and unlisted, took part in the survey. Multiple regression and descriptive predictive analyses are used to investigate the relationship between the characteristics of companies in...

Words: 3425

Pages: 13

Starbucks Annual Report Analysis: Goodwill

One of the fascinating accounting topics explored in Starbucks' annual report is the debate and accounting for goodwill. When a corporation acquires another enterprise and overpays for the new enterprise, it also generates goodwill for the company. The goodwill is the excess money paid above the market value of the...

Words: 268

Pages: 1

Corporate Governance

Leadership in a company is often used to improve the organization's facilities. Various nations have strict laws in place that these businesses can follow. In the long run, these will be the instruments used to assess the firm's strength. According to Sandoval (2014, p. 200), it is concerned with the...

Words: 3487

Pages: 13

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