Essays on Learning

Differentiation of Instructional Strategies

Differentiated learning which is also called differentiation involves a process whereby teachers foster learning by matching the qualities of learners to content delivery and evaluation. Differentiated learning gives a chance to all students to experience the same curriculum by offering entry points, results, and learning objectives which are purposefully developed...

Words: 2939

Pages: 11

Teaching Philosophy

A Teaching Philosophy and Its Significance A teaching philosophy denotes a personal reflective statement of one's core beliefs and values associated with learning and teaching. It entails a narrative summarized in about two pages expressing original ideas regarding the attributes of an effective teacher. In particular, the philosophy establishes concepts with...

Words: 697

Pages: 3

A Case Study on Cultural Misperceptions

Dyadic communication refers to a verbal communication restricted to two people about ideas and beliefs regarding anything. Even a telephonic communication between two people comes under this category. There are two types of dyadic communications: Formal Dyadic Communication This refers to a form of communication taking place on a formal platform, such...

Words: 1130

Pages: 5

The Little Albert Experiment

The little Albert experiment showed how classical conditioning works in people. Classical conditioning is the process of developing new behavior through the association of stimuli. In classical conditioning, two stimuli are linked to elicit a reaction. In this experiment, little Albert expressed fear for very loud sound. However, he also...

Words: 311

Pages: 2

The Pseudoscientific Topic of the MMR Vaccine and Autism

The pseudo-scientific topic of the relation between vaccines and autism starts with the publication in The Lancet in 1998 the misleading research paper. In particular, that article discussed the linkage between the autism spectrum disorders and the MMR vaccine (combined one for measles, mumps, and rubella). After the first publication following...

Words: 1705

Pages: 7

Application of Statistics in Everyday Life

Statistics is the mathematical science involving equations that are used to solve and analyze daily activities in the world around us.  Today, we have great knowledge of the world around us, and this information was collected mathematically through statistics (DeGroot " Schervish, 2012). We can use statistics to tell what...

Words: 619

Pages: 3

Types of Research Designs

A research design A research design is considered as a guide or framework for analysis, implementation, and planning of research or a study. It is the guide used in answering the hypothesis or the research question. Obtaining information in social science relevant to the research problem calls for the specification of...

Words: 609

Pages: 3

Metacognition and Self-Efficacy in University Learning

The article entitled Metacognition and Learning: Strategies for Instructional Design The article entitled Metacognition and Learning: Strategies for Instructional Design describes how undergraduates become successful in their course of learning. The paper has outlined how university students can use their metacognition to expedite the concept of formal and informal acquisition of...

Words: 608

Pages: 3

The Role of Active Learning in Teaching

Teaching entails the provision of support and assistance to enhance adequate knowledge transfer to students. The interaction between teachers and students should ensure transfer of knowledge in a clear and concise manner. Teaching and Learning Cycle role as illustrated in the  conversation involves four strategies as I have noted; Planning,...

Words: 374

Pages: 2

The Concept of Intelligence

Intelligence and Its Relationship with Education Intelligence may refer to the abilities involved in learning and adaptive behavior. Since intelligence forms a significant fundamental of human capacity, it is vital to study how different texts have discussed it. The article mainly explains how intelligence relates to the educational systems and the...

Words: 624

Pages: 3

The Value of Knowledge Produced by Sociology

According to the extract, it can be established that social science has existed for years; however, the concept of formal social science is relatively new and it defines a system of knowledge about the growth, nature, functioning, as well as, the nature of human societies. It is also important to...

Words: 1034

Pages: 4

Multifamily Group Intervention to Increase Antipsychotic Medication Adherence

With the common relapse among patients suffering from Schizophrenia, this research sought to identify the most suitable intervention to increase medication adherence among patients taking antipsychotic medications and especially the difficult groups to treat. In this case, the study used the multifamily group (MFG) intervention with the incorporation of the...

Words: 446

Pages: 2

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