Essays on Learning

The Importance of Making Schools Tobacco-Free

A majority of schools have set policies that bar students from smoking tobacco and the learning institutions' managers have presented various arguments concerning their decision. However, some people have castigated the administrators who abhor smoking tobacco within the schools hence the need to properly examine the issue of making colleges...

Words: 988

Pages: 4

The Use of Anecdotal Evidence and Testimonies from Experts to Develop the Argument

“Can a Playground Be Too Safe?” is an essay written by John Tierney and published in the New York Times on 18/7/2011. The essays highlight the benefits associated with tall jungle gyms and tall slides like facilitating the emotional development, enabling children to overcome fears, being adventurous and thrilling especially...

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Pages: 4

The Importance of a College Education

The importance of a college education can be viewed from different perspectives. Having a college degree is not only important to the individual but the whole society as a whole. In the hiring process, an employer will employ the most qualified individual on the basis of qualifications and specialization and...

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The Advantages of Joining a Film School

Most college students after choosing a specific course to undertake do not know what next to do about it. They always find themselves at crossroads regarding what follows their decisions. For example, a scholar who majors in cinema may not be certain whether to join a film school or not....

Words: 641

Pages: 3

Arguments for Mandatory Vaccination

A vaccine is termed as a biological preparation which generally provides what can be termed as active acquired immune; thus against a particular harmful disease. Most vaccines are created from weakened as well as killed forms of a disease causing microorganism while others are made from either its surface proteins...

Words: 2361

Pages: 9

My Experience in Reading and Writing

Reading and Writing Experiences in High School Reading is an important aspect that brings about happiness, courage, and pleasure. Writing, on the other hand, enables an individual to learn diverse ways of self-expression, develop writing skills, and improve on vocabulary. Since High school, I have had different experiences in reading and...

Words: 1491

Pages: 6

The Importance of College Entrance Exams

Before students are admitted to colleges, they are subjected to at least one of the following entrance exams PSAT/NMSQT, SAT Reasoning test, ACT, and SAT subject tests. The tests are administered as a strategy of implementing a common yardstick for measuring a student’s academic ability and predicting how the student...

Words: 1214

Pages: 5

Why Public Schools Are Better Than Private Schools

In today’s world, education plays an essential role in shaping and developing unique perspectives for all individuals in society. Over the years, the idea of parents choosing schools for their children has turned out to be stimulating. However, with thorough research and many available school advisors offering help, these processes...

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Pages: 3

Education Inequality in Kenya

The gap between developed and developing countries regarding education is huge as depicted by the level of technology and economic growth among other factors. Taking the case of Kenya, a third world country in East Africa, education has proved a challenge in its growth and development. In Kenya, education is...

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Pages: 6

Comparison of Modern School Curriculum to The Seven Lesson School Teacher

Basing on The Seven-Lesson School Teacher by John Taylor Gatto, a number of concepts can be learnt on the school curriculum and teacher-learners relationship. The nature of the curriculum affects learning and teaching in schools a great deal (Jónsdóttir 127). As such, a balance must be stricken between the modern...

Words: 654

Pages: 3

An Art Curriculum for Diverse Learners

A Curriculum in Art that Accommodates Diverse Learners One of the factors that make education diverse is the diverse nature of learners. The students differ in their social, cultural and economic background, their abilities, as well as their academic achievement levels. Therefore, it is important to establish a curriculum of art...

Words: 966

Pages: 4

The Importance of Catering to Customers in Higher Education

Standard education in higher learning institutions is not enough for attaining learner satisfaction. Usually, the students expect more from the time they are admitted into an institution to the time they complete their education. Primarily, students are important in the daily operations of the school as well as ensure sustainability...

Words: 862

Pages: 4

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