Comparison of Modern School Curriculum to The Seven Lesson School Teacher

Basing on The Seven-Lesson School Teacher by John Taylor Gatto, a number of concepts can be learnt on the school curriculum and teacher-learners relationship. The nature of the curriculum affects learning and teaching in schools a great deal (Jónsdóttir 127). As such, a balance must be stricken between the modern systems of education and Mr. Gatto’s nuggets on education. In as much as children have to be provided with education, they also ought to belong to the universal and hierarchical society. This is in line with the all-round growth of students after attaining education. The essay is aimed at critically examining the comparison between the modern day school teaching to Mr.Gatto’s teaching in seven-lessen school teacher.

   The modern day teaching focuses on the growth of students and their freedom at school. As a result, students have the freedom to question the teacher in cases they fill their rights are infringed (Jónsdóttir 133). However, this is contrary to The Seven-Lesson School Teacher, where Gatto insists on emotional dependency. Gatto (173) suggest that the rights of students do not exist inside school. As a result, kids are taught to completely at all times surrender their will to the chain of commands without question. The school teacher has the mandate to confront the students when they act in a manner that he or she deems illegitimate. Also, intellectual dependency dominates the Mr. Gatto’s teaching approach. Students are deprived the power to think and act on their own. In this regard, students have to wait for direction at all time before trying something new as the author suggests, Good students wait for a teacher to tell them what to do. It is the most important lesson, that we must wait for other people, better trained than ourselves, to make the meanings of our lives (Gatto 175). In the modern day teaching, the curriculum encourages full participation and invention of new study techniques by the learner. Accordingly, learner centered approach which is geared towards self-discovery, group work, and radical school reforms dominate the education system.

   Furthermore, modern school teaching cultivates self-esteem in the students. The self-esteem is independent of the opinion of the experts and each kid is taught on how to be self-motivated at all times (Jónsdóttir 129). Teaching students this approach has helped in the development of the kid’s cognitive, social, and behavioral faculties as they grow responsibly. In the contrary, The Seven-Lesson School Teacher focuses on making kids have self-esteem based on the experts and strangers opinion. Through the principle of dissatisfaction and cumulative records, students are forced to make decisions on their present and the future based on the perspective of other people. Therefore, students grow with an attitude that seeks public approval rather than self-belief (Gatto 178).

   Additionally, student’s privacy is key in their growth and development as an aspect of children’s rights. In the United States, several agencies are in work to protect children from any form of abuse. These agencies advocate for the privacy of children and their proper treatment at home and school, for instance, Children Without a Voice USA (CWAV). Gatto in his curriculum advocates for denial of privacy and constant surveillance of the kids both at home and school. That means there should be no secretes when dealing with kids, thus they should be taught not to develop any values outside school (Gatto 180). 

   Despite the differences between the modern day school teaching and The Seven-Lesson School Teacher, there exists a thin gap when dealing with students. Both teachings systems have both pros and cons. As such, both methods have to be embraced at one point to ensure the success of teaching and learning.

Works Cited

Gatto, John Taylor. "The seven-lesson schoolteacher." Colombo, Cullen and Lisle (2005): 173-    18.

Jónsdóttir, Svanborg R. "Narratives of creativity: How eight teachers on four school levels   integrate creativity into teaching and learning." Thinking Skills and Creativity 24 (2017):            127-139.

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