Essays on Knowledge

Theory of Knowledge: We can only express our knowledge through art and imagination

Theory of Knowledge: We can only express our knowledge through art and imagination. Talk about it. Art is thought to be the most basic form of communication used by artists to achieve their goals (Boundless 2017, p.1). It involves the visual application of human creativity and imagination by painting, creating works,...

Words: 796

Pages: 3

Justification and truth

The subject of truth is one of the most important topics in the field of philosophy. Furthermore, when compared to other topics covered in philosophy, this one is one of the most broad. For many years, truth has been a major topic of discussion in its own unique way. This...

Words: 1233

Pages: 5

Philosophy of teaching and learning

People learn and encode knowledge in their brains in completely different ways in real life. It describes the different personal learning styles that exist, such as visual, tactile, and auditory learning styles, for this purpose (Oliver et al., 2014). Visual learning is my preferred method of instruction. This learning style...

Words: 1310

Pages: 5

Effect of Over Reliance on Mobile Technology on Relationships

All about us and how we communicate with our world is evolving as technology continues to become a part of us. According to, technology is a branch of science and knowledge that focuses on the creation of simpler and more technological ways of interacting with culture, civilization, and our immediate...

Words: 587

Pages: 3


I've been asked many times if I can continue with the revolution now that I know what I know. My answer has always been and will always be affirmative. I regret that people had to die as a result of the revolt. However, I believe that if we had not started...

Words: 589

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Stages of Relational Escalation

Tom and Terry: A Comparison of their Romantic Relationship Tom is my best friend, and he seemed to have been wedding to Terry last week. As a good friend of ours, he shared virtually every other event from the meeting with Terry at college to the exchange of vows last week....

Words: 402

Pages: 2

Theories of Plato (an idealist) and Protagoras (the sophist)

Protagora's views argue for three main areas: orthoepia, human calculation, and agnosticism. Orthoepeia requires the proper use of vocabulary, man-measuring the human intelligence relies on itself, and agnosticism means that human beings have not been able to do anything about gods. Plato's hypotheses argue that information occurs when an individual has...

Words: 979

Pages: 4

Digital Era and Successful Adult Learner

The Definition of Adult Learning The definition of adult learning relates to the variety of non-formal, informal and formal learning activities carried out by adults, leading to new knowledge and skills being learned. Adult learners are identified as individuals over the age of seventeen years who are enrolled in universities or...

Words: 1717

Pages: 7

Al-Stoicism Ghazali's and Descartes'

Philosophical positions are collections of beliefs that enable philosophers to investigate the various branches of philosophy (Sellars, 2016). Different thinkers believed in different schools of thought, both of which they believed to be true and empirical. Philosophical positions that appealed to and persuaded more thinkers than others were embraced and...

Words: 1830

Pages: 7


I find the resume template to be professional and straightforward. As a result, it has parts where specific details can be entered in an easy-to-read format. It is not cluttered, and the segments are clearly numbered. Any audience of the resume would appreciate the template's visual appeal. The included design is...

Words: 284

Pages: 2

Rhetorical reading response "Context"

Dorothy Allison’s Essay Background: Understanding the Importance of Context and Personal Awareness Dorothy Allison writes in her essay Background (1994) that understanding a person well and thoroughly is based on and necessitates personal awareness of their childhood and social life. The essay was written as a memoir in order to focus...

Words: 918

Pages: 4

Therapy Adlerian

I will exercise a profound and loving sense of engagement and friendship in an attempt to develop a strong relationship with Stan. I will create person-to-person contact with him instead of immediately delving into his dilemma. Secondly, instead of dwelling on his issues in the initial stages of the discussion,...

Words: 389

Pages: 2

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