Essays on Identity

Sexuality and gender identity in modern society

The Intersection of Poetry and Human Sexuality The current essay's literary subject was modern society's attitudes toward sexuality and gender identity. Based on a variety of literary sources, the current essay offered a defense of modern sexuality and gender identity. A. Chen's "The Intersection of Poetry and Human Sexuality" was among...

Words: 1244

Pages: 5

Mehar Gujral

I hemorrhage every month to make it possible for humanity to exist. The supernatural resides in my womb. our species' source of existence. whether or not I decide to make. but that is only rarely the case. This blood was revered in earlier societies as sacred. It still is in...

Words: 2443

Pages: 9


I would like to use this chance to speak to the British congressmen about a number of issues that are crucial to the health of this great country. The ongoing revolt in America horrifies me because, in my opinion, it betrays both myself and our wonderful country. In order to...

Words: 252

Pages: 1

Wu Zetian Bio

Even though having a woman rule as emperor during the Tang dynasty's most glorious years would have been highly unnatural in accordance with Confucian beliefs, Wu Zetian, also known as Wu Zhao, was the only woman to do so in Chinese history. (Wills 202). Wu Zetian was Emperor Taizong's concubine,...

Words: 1567

Pages: 6

Race to Space

Armstrong's Famous Words: "One Small Step for a Man, One Big Step for Mankind" Armstrong said, "One small step for a man, one big step for mankind," at a time when people had lofty aspirations, pondered profound visions, and achieved some of the dreams that many saw as impossibilities, like setting...

Words: 672

Pages: 3

Senior Drivers

In the majority of states, taking a driving exam is only necessary before receiving a license to drive. No one is required to retake the driving exam in order to renew their license. The one test lifetime strategy has thus caused too many problems for the transportation sector. Due to...

Words: 1006

Pages: 4

French Culture

French Culture Most people identify French culture with Paris, which serves as a hub for fashion, architecture, and art. However, outside of the main city, people typically live differently and in various parts of the country. According to anthropologist Cristina De Rossi, the word "culture" actually comes from France and is...

Words: 1983

Pages: 8

Child Abuse

The topic of child abuse has continued to be divisive in modern culture. Abuse is linked to an increase in cases of children dying in questionable conditions and displaying severe internal and external injuries. A similarly unsettling pattern is the observation of some children's abnormal psychic development. Significant scholarly investigation,...

Words: 816

Pages: 3

The Necklace

The Necklace The Necklace is a tale that takes place in nineteenth-century Paris. Mathilde Loisel, the main character, was born into a middle-class household. She can only handle a modest standard of living thanks to her husband Monsieur Loisel, a clerk in the Ministry of Education. Monsieur comes home one evening...

Words: 673

Pages: 3

Favorite Bushisms

They underestimate me is one of my fave Bush quotes, according to Bentonville, Arkansas, on November 6, 2000. As there is no such term as "misunderstimate," it contains a lexical error. The sentence is ambiguous and vague because it could mean "they do not underestimate me," "they underestimate me accidentally,"...

Words: 252

Pages: 1

Christine de Pizan

Christine de Pizan's Contributions to Women's Productive Lives Christine de Pizan made significant contributions to the idea of how women could lead productive lives. The author depicted the lifestyles of women in the Renaissance era in her autobiographical writings and written advice. The author's mention of certain economic activities that were...

Words: 662

Pages: 3

Deviant Acts

Family violence and homosexuality are two prevalent deviant behaviors that exist in societies all over the world. While family violence has become criminalized due to a decline in acceptance, homosexuality has moved away from being seen as a criminal behavior. The criminalization of domestic abuse and the decriminalization of homosexuality...

Words: 1541

Pages: 6

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