Favorite Bushisms

They underestimate me is one of my fave Bush quotes, according to Bentonville, Arkansas, on November 6, 2000. As there is no such term as "misunderstimate," it contains a lexical error. The sentence is ambiguous and vague because it could mean "they do not underestimate me," "they underestimate me accidentally," or "they underestimate me because of misunderstanding." "Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream," is my second favorite Bush quote. 18 October 2000, LaCrosse, Wis. It contains grammatical and lexical mistakes. The singular form of the auxiliary verb "to be" does not correlate to the plural noun "families"; the proper form is "families are." The grammatical mistake is incorrect sequence of the words in “wings take a dream”, as wings cannot take a dream, but only dream can “take wing”, when one purchases it.

The Prevailing ‘Cool’ Temperatures in US

Despite the fluctuations in temperature, it is possible that US youth finds the temperatures cool all the time. Whenever you meet a teen and ask them how their day was, the most common response is ‘cool’. The answer never changes whether it is sunny or chilly. This leaves me wondering if we shifted to Antarctica. I have come to think that US teens are endotherms; generating their heat internally to survive in the cool temperatures. I actually think the US teens are small-bodied so that they do not lose much warmth, as they need to survive the cool temperatures. Am I the misplaced one? The temperatures are not always cool for me.

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